Holy shit I just realized there are biological female posters on this board RIGHT NOW with real teeddies and buttz...

holy shit I just realized there are biological female posters on this board RIGHT NOW with real teeddies and buttz, wtf bros this is scary

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females please answer this single question:

why? why your kind had to destroy my emotions like that, why?

Hell, you might be the only dude on this board!

Have sex.


You can always tell who they are. Horny ass femoids

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We usually just pretend to be dudes because people ask us for boobs and or feet.

Go back, you filthy degenerate.

Women are dirty, disgusting, stupid animals. Stop being such a coomer. If it weren't for your hormones you would be completely disgusted by them and everything they do.

what do you think of "made for BBC" meme?

cuckold fetish or insecurity

No, i want to see the femanon flag so if she offends me I can counterattack by shittalking her country, because when my country's based and her's cringe it means I'm righ and her is wrong


This thread isn't Yas Forums related but I have a special announcement that I am going to have a baby soon.

Her due date is technically today and in my prenatal appointment yesterday they poked my cervix and said she was most likely going to be born by the weekend based on how my cervix feel when they poked it. Today? Tomorrow? Day after tomorrow?
I will get a "free" corona virus test when I go to the hospital. I am a first time mom and very nervous and excited too! Will she be a lil sweetie like my husband was when he was a baby? A colicky crybaby like I was when I was a baby? Will I be able to make enough milk or have to go to formula? I hope I dont get a bad tear.

Just some thoughts

I'm an average looking brunette french girl with a meh ass but pretty big tits and I'm currently half naked

Is she your first, user?

you aren't annoyed by that?

nice nice very cute post but remember to don't circumcise, fat

You're a female pregnant woman???

are you white and is your husband black?

friend of mine had a baby recently
i'm the godfather but haven't been able to see them because of travel restrictions

Jesus Christ have sex

I'd rather see vagine


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post feet or face

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She's a girl but apparently American doctors really do come up to parents and ask them if they want to circumcise or not which surprised me.


It is sad, my parents were planning to come out in the summer but now who knows. My dad really want to come out at the end of May. Of course I want to see them too but I'm scared if they get the virus. We'll see what the Midwest looks like by then.

made for black men

i don't believe you

>pregnant woman browse Yas Forums

The best we can do at the moment is videochat but nothing beats seeing them in person
Best of luck to you!

I'm more into italian men


>She's a girl but apparently American doctors really do come up to parents and ask them if they want to circumcise or not which surprised me
The doctor was really pushy about it with my cousin and his wife's first. They had also just watched that documentary on the kid that had a botched circumcision and was raised as a woman.

my mom is chinese and my dad is jewish, damn you got me

Everyone knows you are a girl, you can't post like men.

The difference is minimal

>there are biological female posters on this board

what about germans?

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based and may-pilled

Same. I'd probably be called a tranny because I larp as a m*le on here so people leave alone.

Thank you!
I'm sure they are looking forward to the day when you can hug your godbaby. It is sad for everyone to not be able to hug each other.

that's exactly what a tranny would say

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shut up fat, you can't even see your own big with a belly that big lol

fe(males) might be reading YOUR posts RIGHT NOW
just think about it

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Plot twist - none of them is attractive.

stupid frogposter

Come again?
Shut up, tranny.