Literally the best countries in Europe

Literally the best countries in Europe
>best food
>best languages
>best climate
>best women
And best of all, a low english fluency so when attempting to converse with them in their native languages they won't instantly switch to english. Not to mention, French, Spanish, and Portugese are widely spoken in the Americas.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017-06-30_at_09.08_.08__9bf31c.png (286x194, 17.36K)

Nobody asked you, fatty

Sp**n is the hell on Earth.

Spain is the greatest country in the world.

Attached: 800px-Juan_Martín_Díez.jpg (800x1002, 201.47K)


Attached: fat-people2.jpg (1200x979, 353.46K)

>oi, Luv Spanish balconies, me

Attached: A8AFF3BF-014F-4142-931F-B266D5CBE372.png (600x800, 416.09K)

He's a Lithuanian immigrant
Oh wait...

>Developed country
>Good Weather
>everyone in Europe wants to go to your beaches
>Good Food
>Beautiful landscapes
>Every region has a very unique culture
>Has all the benefits of a developed country and has the SOUL of a Latam country
>reasonable cost of living
>Unemployment is high but intergenerational solidarity is so great that it really doesn't matter.

NOOOOO I suffer in Spain

I love Italy
I love France
I want to visit Spain and Portugal when the quarantine is over

Attached: italia.jpg (1800x1200, 536.94K)

The world is becoming THICC.

Italy and France are most overrated shit countries in Europe. Spain and Portugal are great tho.

>has the SOUL of a Latam country

Latam countries have the SOUL of Spain, ftfy

we know , dont tell the rest of the world or they come and ruin it with their presence



Well you get what I mean

I've heard everything outside of France is cool
Based. It's something in those southern european genes that adds soul...

What's up with anglos being fatasses?

Attached: Anglosphere_2007_overweight_rate.png (600x463, 17.19K)

Do you get many Brazilians in Portugal?

Attached: portugal.png (374x685, 29.25K)

yes they are by far the largest imigrant group and they have come more and more since memesolnaro came to power.
they all become uber drivers fro some reason

Jokes aside, it could be worse.

Attached: UBWiC1X.jpg (399x388, 23.63K)

>There are more British, French and Italians in Portugal than Spaniards

its 50/50 some brazilians are normal hard wroking people, other are bottom feedeing macacos that listen to funk in the public transportaion at max volume

The south of the country has literally been conquered by old white british couples.

They're the worst

Like our whole Mediterranean coast then...

>best food
Italian and French food are vastly overrated but Portuguese and Spanish cuisines are vastly underrated so I guess it balances out.
>best languages
>best climate
>best women
only in Yas Forums memes

Not only old.There's alot of rich or middle class 30s and 40s northerns coming to portugal to raise their children, enjoying early retirement in a non stressful suburban environment with alot of sun and leizure

Kill yourself



Portugal is very underrated

>Norway is fatter than italy
Who would have thought.