Are americans truly like this?

are americans truly like this?

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Boomers here also clap when a film ends and when a plane lands.

Bob Chipman is our best and brightest.

They clap when a flight lands

No American is like Blob Chipman. Blob Chipman is a nation unto himself.

Attached: DumbSack0.jpg (560x423, 33.29K)

sure are nigga

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der consoomer...

Attached: ENncAQKU8AAXVFW.jpg (1090x613, 107.63K)

>one tweet
>from a nobody
>it's a thread
sad board

Extraversion: The Country

>from nobody
Bob Chipman is a world-renowned critic, writer, producer, thinker, and diplomat.

bob would fucking end you

Attached: 9mFDUoO_d.jpg (627x513, 34.4K)

>evolve or fuck off
It's funny that when americans try to be progressist, they're still sociopaths

>one tweet
nobody cares

>a nobody
Blob Chipman will rule the world one day, and those who mock him, like yourself, will be consigned to the camps.

Attached: xdm2TuQ.jpg (600x725, 74.54K)

To be fair, the gaming audience is really awful.

>applauding a film

Americans aren't the only ones who do that

it's still a sad excuse of a thread

is this your average ameriburger cuisine?

Attached: moviebob chicken.png (775x946, 913.32K)

Which is why Blob shall breed a new, better audience!

Attached: moviebob_nazi.png (625x512, 64.87K)

>Evolve or Fuck Off

Extremely based. In fact, you can see this motto as a very fascistic, agressive maxim, a racial darwinist sort of a message. "Let's not try to meekly defend our race, no, lets get on the offence instead, lets put all the races together and let the strongest one of them survive!"

Attached: 1565402148920.jpg (606x1046, 115.4K)

he's actually pro-eugenics tho

Attached: moviebob eugenics.png (1200x639, 255.36K)

maybe they will clap when somebody farts in public

Looks like he is a man that likes eating chips haha

Punished Blob: a man denied his starship

Attached: bob-chipman-the-moviebob-follow-twenty-fucking-nineteen-i-was-supposed-to-47957410.png (500x465, 203.82K)

>Americans aren't called citizens
>They're consumers

Attached: moviebob new warriors.jpg (675x731, 112.37K)

He's right.
Let's be honest, should someone with diabetes be allowed to breed? I don't anyone except a fattie will disagree


Based. He's unironically right. Fuck Yas Forums and drumpfoids. Yas Forums is just Yas Forums-lite nowadays so fuck you if you're reading this.


People who engage in white nationalism are the lowest of the lowest of the wh*te race and think they are entitled to shit because of their skin colour, so they try to create a false "racial solidarity" based on unscientific grounds to justify gibs from much greater individuals.

Notice how the most racist whites are always from the most poorest and shittiest areas, like the southern US or eastern europe.

>white people are inferior
>OMG you disagree with me!!! How can you be such a poltard nazi!!

don't you have some loli doujin to ban from your penal colony?

based. the time has come for wh*tetoids