Who are the people considered 'cool' and 'popular' in your country? (excluding famous people)

who are the people considered 'cool' and 'popular' in your country? (excluding famous people)

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hoyl shit that is LITERALLY me

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literally me except the handsome part and I'm 20

literally me

pls stop posting me. Your picture is very much related.

literally me except balding and 32 y.o.

>Another shitty DUDE LE EBIN DEPRESHUN LMAO!!!! Wojak
Why are zoomers such self-indulgent faggots?

selfishness and the sense that the world revolves around them.

Damn it bros these -oomer memes are getting more and more precise

Everyone indulges in a bit of self pity now and then. I think it could even be argued that it's emotionally healthy to do so. People on here definitely seem to go overboard with this shit though, things aren't that bad yet guys. You're in your 20s, it's not too late to make a change.

are you the super ugly cuck?

>presumably boomer
>accuses others of being self-absorbed
kek. The reason we feel so shit is because you done fucked up. Most kids are born in a broken home with no insensitive to give a shit about anything. School is BS. Work is BS. People are selfish hypocrites. It's a doggy eat doggy world, and we don't give a shit about responsibility or BS honor. It's all a scam. So why not just give up and refuse to take part in the bullshit that surrounds us?

This is the most vague cold reading style oomer meme ever. Next up:
>handsome but ugly at the same time
>religious and atheist at the same time
>virgin but chad at the same time
>is male or female
>is a human
xD so accurate

Wow you just described me exactly


what a fucking cringy pic, jesus

>My life is suffering, I have to live through the wealthiest and most peaceful period of my nation's history in complete comfort. You don't understand man.
Cry more Mon Frère.

wtf you described me perfectly!
you're probably a Gemini XD

kill yourself amerinigger

based sexsexsex poster

Holy shit. Except being 25 (I'm 24), everything fits in perfectly. Are there really more people like me in the world?

You're not as specific as OP though. Not me btw.


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This except I'm 27 and lost most of my hair.

>all rich people are happy

tfw when I just don't care. If this is life at its fullest then life is pretty shit desu. You can keep your opinions but you can't force me to give a shit about them.

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I fullfill everything except the gf part because i still have the hope that i will find an asian gf what the fuck

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>Traits that are so common that they apply to a majority of people to some degree
Wow look at my ___oomer wojak. Literally Yas Forums horoscopes

If I was poor or fighting a war, that would at least give meaning to my suffering.
I exist for the sake of existing. There is no greater purpose other than consume and obey. There is nothing to achieve, there is nothing to strive for. I have no people to belong to, no crusade to embark on, no future to build. I'm just wasting time until I finally commit suicide

people who deliver jokes out loud

Based. Me too.

They were literally raises by smartphones and social media. It ruined their brains before they could even develop and spawned a full generation of sociopathic narcissists with ADD.