These shitholes would unironically be better off today if they stayed under Polish rule.
These shitholes would unironically be better off today if they stayed under Polish rule
Other urls found in this thread:
*German rule
*Austrian rule
but it was Lithuanian rule
*under prussian rule
>Free market party
is this some kind of joke?
The orange parts are the biggest shitholes of Poland
*Russian rule
*Mongol rule
Polish rule
you got me there lmao
Is that why they have more money
dude the western part of poland is the only part of poland with a decent standart of living. Eastern Poland is basicly ukrainian tier.
>more money
what? lmfao
Are you braindead or something haven't seen more idiotic post in a month or so it's like saying mongolia has the best standard of living in asia
*Belarus rule
Lithuania had a fairly large territory in the past. But why is their current population so tiny now?
This is bullshit
NKVD happened
Under Russian Rule.
>Are you braindead or something haven't seen more idiotic post in a month or so it's like saying mongolia has the best standard of living in asia
Mongolia is even poorer than Southeast Asia and the cities of Mongolia are as polluted as China. But if you are interested in dinosaur fossils, Mongolia will be a pretty interesting destination.
Belarus became independant
Is Russia ready for another joint cooperation in poland?
*Swedish rule
I know I don't hate Mongolia I think Mongolia is one of the most interesting Asian countries, but I just mentioned it as a comparison to the idiotic German post
Lmao. Most of those "Lithuania" was Russian speaking territory (90%)
In case of any foreign invasion onto polish terrrority we will falseflag an attack on Auschwitz and claim that the attacker (especially favorable in case of a german invasion) tried to destroy the historical remainings of the camp. Israel will call the entire world for the help in protecting the camps and Uncle Sam will arrive on his nuclear carriers.
Don't forget your real masters iber*an
Since when is Yermalovich so global?
Ruthenian - it's "ruski" in polish, not "rosyjski"
numbers taken from air. Official languages of commonwealth were polish and ruthenian. The language of common folks was strongly diversed.
Israel is third Russian, Grzegorzh.
They always are. They always are.
People there spoke more similar to Russian than to any other language spoken there today
Alright. There are a lot of Mongolian immigrants in South Korea, so I know you should not to say anything that hurts their pride. They know they are dirt poor. But They're not too ashamed of it I think. Anyway, don't expect modern day Mongolians to ride and hunt horses in the meadow. Lol The Mongolians I've experienced are pretty obsessed with money, better cars, expensive clothing, hip-hop music as well. They're pretty much Westernized.
NKVD? What's that?
Ukrainian and Belarussian are the descendants of that language.
So called "Ruthenian" is a derivative of proto-Russian
Kinda like the soviet secret police. Look 'em up
fucking lmao
So? Kek.
1. Again, where are you pulling the numbers from?
2. Chancellery language in GDL had most words in common(out of languages of today) with modern day Ukrainian.
Ruthenian was the language of Kievan Rus'.
>elected 'kings'
Yes and what? Ruthenian is not fucking Ukrainian retard
>modern day Ukrainian
lithuanian eductation, no wonder this country is albania of europe
pretty progressive solution