/balt/+/ausnz/: booty edition

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First for Finno-Baltics

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First for Rossiya


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Better luck next time.

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fucking sleeping so hard right now


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Come at me bro, I will show how you ancestors fought.

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in this thread we will all perform rimjobs.

Genetically Fingoloid
t. polcel

Thanks for telling that tibla truth in this bread.
I told him that in the old one.

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My butt hole isn't an erogenous zone sorry
its probably because i'm not gay

Why is both of my phone and normal internet blocked from uploading pics?

Someone in your area must been posting those anime gay pictures again and so you are rangebanned.
Had same some time ago.

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Went out
Had 2 beers
3 shots and blood sausage

had to drank one of my few underbergs.
Now im heading into the local market and buy meself 16 cans of the cheapest beer.

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Kā jums klājas draugi

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how did you enjoy your outside experience?

For me I already went to alko and bought 2 bottles of vodka.

Excelent choice sir. Which brand?
I dont really need more since im after midnight heading into my friends gottage, he got solid collection of cheap vodka he ordered from internet and can sell me liter in 0,7 with 10 euros.

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aight here's the game plan while i'm still sleeping:

>plot of land near mid east NSW
>clear all trees in farming land
>fire break around house and all crops
>home underground
>home foundation and walls set on inertia absorbing material
>home has faraday cage room
>workshop underground
>workshop is a massive faraday cage
>silos are all set underground
>solar powered hot air engine ac generator (the simpler the better)
>either manson or stirling powered tools and machinery
>at night use a water-gravity fed turbine for the generator
>during the day the water is moved from sump to tank by a waterscrew
>use mirrors / lenses to heat water
>use similar system to generator to pump water and purify it
>stockpile information; web crawlers that catalogue info onto swappable hard drives; books; videos
>have steam or hot air powered tractors and transportation
>make your own cans, bottles and jars
>make your own lubricants (olive oil, etc)
>wooden set of dinnerware and cups
>make your own food

It's Tapio since it's just 37% not really vodka in that case. It's good with vichy
>he got solid collection of cheap vodka he ordered from internet
Yelzin? :DDD

>and can sell me liter in 0,7 with 10 euros.
jesus christ at that point just get your own distillation set up and make spirit out of random organic shit, it will be cheaper

:D Isnt the tapio 39%? least at 0,7l bottles.
Thats what i prefer usually. Its has the best Price/drunk ratio from all the spirits.

And yes its Yelzin :D

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Iv tried make some Kilju/or sugar wine before.
but its one hellable job and after you make 25l 14% product it gets out of the hands.Least specially with alcoholist such me.

I touched a girl today.

>:D Isnt the tapio 39%? least at 0,7l bottles.
Oh yeah its 39% I always mix with Koskenkorva that's 37 or 38%? lmao
You don't know how far fingoloids not to spend quality alcohol. You can get like premium vodka for little bit more expensive, they will choose the industrial ethanol type which is just little cheaper lmao. Now that I think i'm silimar even if I can afford for the better brands easier

You have no idea
Outside, city centre , smells like a fucking seaside after 2 months

I definitely advise to go out if you can
Walked for like 2 hours, nice amount of people outside

First for LATVIA

I do have an idea, I live in the center and I was already in a bar on Tuesday. absolute magic after all this time. sitting outside without a mask was the biggest thing for me, all the fresh air and freedom. I wish for nothing but for a swift death to the corona.