for autism, press one edition
for autism, press one edition
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Cope, turbofag
Ikibey RIP
This is how average Bosnians live
>Literally no proof of that
Their father was a high ranking figure in society, hence why they were allowed to study at that prestigious school in Constantinople. There were zero high ranking slavs in the Byzantine empire so them being slavs is out of the question
>Solun had been besieged and invaded by slavs
They failed to conquer it every single time.
>the scholars that reformed the alphabet were slavic
The greeks literally created a special alphabet for you (glagolithic) but then your own people “”reformed”” it by making a new discount version of the Greek alphabet
God I wish I were dead.
Do you like cats i can make a cat sound
Is this my soulmate shes old i need someone who likes cats alot and isnt a slut
Do you have dyspnoea? Irregular heartbeat?
Any sphygmomanometers around to check your blood pressure?
kakva retarda ubij se siptarcino
Zasto retarda bas e awesome mojot talent
Honestly 5G is a mess, based Slovenia has banned it already.
anyone been to tranita chan recently :)?
Nemam idnina, ne gledam nishto pozitivno neshto
I sometimes wonder how the fuck you aren’t hospitalized yet
Ete ti go shiptarot mjauka
it is untested and proven to fuck with oxygen, it could explain why those chinese were dropping dead while walking, wuhan was 6g since last year
seli se u bugarija nishto ne ti ostanuva
Why because i make a sound like a cat
Whats so wrong in making an awesome sound with my mouth
Do you know how awesome it is i make people say wow awesome talent and their face expression is priceless
Why do you hate me because youre an asshole i guess
Youre a douchebag go bother someone else or be toxic somewhere else
completely full of bullshit, a fucking christian arab could become a high ranking official, see for example Thomas the Slav. Secondly Solun was not conquered but settled with slavic migrants on multiple occasions. And the last point is literally what im trying to fucking explain to your double digit fyromian monkey brain (except that greeks didnt create glagolitic since their ethnicity is unknown) digit fyromian monkey brain.
Again go read a fucking book before you start spewing out your horse shit. I have literally never ever seen a smart fyromian neither in real life nor on the internet, you prove it perfectly yourself.
I was there some weeks ago xpozed, really tried to post something but it's just too empty. Maybe you should rebrand it as Bulgarian, hold some fake conversations with yourself for a while whilst spamming the link in comment sections.
5G causes tatarism. STOP 5G UNISTI KORONA AMIN
do you think it causes corona or do you think zhongs will listen in?
Schizos out!
danas vzi se bmw sutra ceka te cz ispred kluba cujes samo ra ta ta ta
But why do they want to install it then, what for
Irregular heartbeat?
Dont feel it
Blood pressure 160-180
My newly found habit of staring out of the window late at night has opened my eyes for the sheer amount of hedgehogs chilling in the little grassy hill behind my commieblock.
>Blood pressure 160-180
I've no idea but it's a weird coincidence
don't argue with alborats, it's pointless
ooooo ooo daaa u kraju se vari skank
Wall of cope
saaaaamoooo jakooooooo
Guys, the 5G Corona thing is obviously bullshit but what very much isn't are all the myriads of health concerns that pre-date the Corona outbreak about too much radiation from the increased number of antennas that it will require. Pretty much all serious Western studies show that the evidence of whether it is harmful (again NOT because of corona but just the effects of radiation) are inconclusive and advised against intsalling it unless we're sure.
Do you wanna see me make the cat sound i can make a instagram recording life and you can see my awesome talent
I come here since 2012 i argued with bulgarians but i found out mostly turbo nazis come from pol here and are very hateful
Why so much hate here what made you hate
i would respect him more if he was Albanian, he is instead a larping retard from a rogue banana republic country.
lmao retard
>mfw resting heart rate is 240bpms
>the 5G Corona thing is obviously bullshit
thanks for the input glowie
>try to argue
>get btfo'd
Do you guys wanna visit my live recording on instagram where i make the cat sound
That's the systolic pressure, aka the pressure your blood has in your veins. And it's high.
The lower one, how much is it? That's the diastolic, the higher it is the had your heart is working to pump blood
Read that too. It cant be said whether its harmful or not. Sounds like shitty odds to still install it tbx
miu mau
Slavs in Byzantium were like niggers in 19th century United States
They were illiterate and dumb, used for menial labor, not to study or create alphabets lol
i made changes to the front page :^) you should check it for keks
No bulgarians didnt btfo me in arguments and mostly were btfo from me
But their stubborness and nazi ideology also not understanding modern concept of a nation and its elements and also alot of propaganda from ww2 made the bulgarians ignore my arguments
literally cope, already proved you wrong
никви ютa зa шиптapcки плъхoвe
Eat shit, slave
Just like macedonians today
only a giant brain could hold suliman's onion hat
They created the alphabet in Preslav, the capital of Bulgaria back then. It's nowhere disputed you retard.
How many visitor do you average per week?