How will Britishers recover?

How will Britishers recover?

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Vikings are subhumans that never accomplished anything except when they were civilized by a superior people like the French

Why are europeans obsessed with Vikings tho then. Your entire Avengers and Netflix shows are something about Norse mythology and Viking Chads.


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>angloids absolutely SEETHING

I don't get it? Is he raping an English woman or something? Why should i be seething?

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What was the point of Desmond'z story, the Truth puzzles and Juno now?

They made the anglos the bad guys (which is historically true)

Those are all american
Angloïds are also subhuman, that’s why destroying them is not a noteworthy accomplishment for the vikings

I take advice on morality and philosophy from a degenerate who once murdered another degenerate



A step in the right direction, one day, god willing, we will be able to play as Aryans who slaughter Anglöid scum

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and can't grow potatoes and since then became an anti-farmer

Uhhh hello based department?

It was all just a prank

I wish it took place in Gaule where we played Gaulish assassins helped by Aya and fighting Cesar and the Romans of the Order of the Ancients. The Vikings have too many games, movies and series, there are only for the Vikings, it sucks.

Vikings here, Vikings there, they are everywhere. It's annoying.


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those are americans
omly mutts with the 6% scandinavian dnA glorify and larp as vikings. not even scandinavan care about vikings much less othr europeans

have sex

SEETHING angloid

Incroyablement Basé

oh this is a video game i dont care then. i thought this was something about real life

Fucking Ubisoft


what i dont understand is why the main dude has a female name

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The only people who idolize vikings are metalheads, amerimutts and fantasy gamer pros

because vikings were effeminate pussies

There is nothing overly wrong with this

She could give you strong offspring for sure

Says the faggot who turns his other cheek when he's hit like some kind of BDSM fetishist

christinsanity is an advanced mental illness, nietzsche was right

Nietzsche was a faggot and so are you. Imagine being German and defending nordicks who probably raped your ancestors. Pathetic cuck. Go die in a ditch.

>defending your homeland against pagan barbarians
>bad guys

Anglos literally are part viking you fucking retard

No we're not. The Anglo-Saxons had a Germanic origin like the Vikings, but were never Vikings themselves.

german "men" were routinely carried off on viking raids to be sold as concubines for arabs