What the hell is this french propaganda? We never did shit bad, and Scandinavians as heroes? wtf is this nonsense. Fucking french wankers
What the hell is this french propaganda? We never did shit bad, and Scandinavians as heroes? wtf is this nonsense...
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because vikings are cool and angles are boring.
>Anglo "tactics" are just running into a shieldwall
It's actually crypto-Norman propaganda
Fuck off, anglos deserve it. You ARE villains and have been for the better part of the latest century.
anti-Anglo South Indian propaganda is even better
>britishers literally sent flying in air from strike of warhammer
just for the fact that this game is redpilled on anglos im not going to seed my torrent after i download it from pirate bay
I blame Skyrim for this
Anglo-Saxons are awesome
You know assassin's creed are quebecoi's game... right?
They've been nice enough to historically revision the early middle ages anglo "civilization" to use stone buildings, be glad.
they've always been massively butthurt, look up the background to bridge on the river kwai
>Ubisoft Montréal
Estie que vous ĂȘtes caves, allez manger la plotte de la reine.
Christ this looks amazing, any websites where I could watch it?
Ubisoft is a French company and Ubisoft Montreal is just a subsidiary, so it's not really wrong to blame France, is it?
>giving a fuck about asscreed after the ezio trilogy
Lmao (black flag was pretty good though)
The one set in Ancient Egypt is BASED as fuck. They basically make the Egyptian Bulls BLACK
this, the series is fucking garbage
This is revenge for the utter swill that was The King
we wuz vikangz and shite
Imagine giving a shit by ahistorical bullshit.
Also, the protag is called Eivor - which is a FEMALE name. I have no words.
It is because the entire game is made in quebec.
>The plot
>the character design
Montreal has a lot of offices for foreign games company, mostly americans and french, because there is a lot of talent their.
Fuck they even have university degrees in video-game in quebec, where you are 100% sure to land a job afterward.
Ayo we wuz transsexual vikangs n shieeeet
lmao u are telling me u need any sort of talent to shit out exactly the same game every year with barely any changes
On the contrary, the series doesnt even resemble itself anymore
Anglos are evil by default. Even if they try to protect themselves from a invading army, they're still evil
haha the eternal anglo seething.
This. Simple as
>call yourself angel.
That the most villain thing to do
French fags
>Hurr mainstream historiography is so Anglo-biased and anti-French
Also French fags
>An isolationist island fighting literal rapists and murderers are evil
awww he's smiling :)
sow the wind reap the whirlwind
Both anglos and vikangs are garbage
i wish we played as some roman larper slaying both