I love nicotine

I love nicotine.

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U too like smokin fags eh?


I just like to feel a phallic object between my lips

Nico Nico tiiiiin

its da best

enjoy the years of pain when you every breath is shallow and painful

Im broitish and a fag a day keeps corona away

Same user, I didn't try a single time to stop it. I don't care.
t. smoked for almost a decade

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Nicotine is the gayest drug I've tried


corona bite u

How can you even afford cigs bro, taxes make that shit unbearable

Ye me too. Haven't smoked since quarantine started and because I actually cought the virus I don't think I'll be smoking that soon either. Keep in mind I smoke only 1 pack a week so it doesn't have that strong a grip in me.

havent smoked in two months. i miss it...

Same, I haven't had a ciggy in 3 days, I'm on those nicotine chewing gums shit but they don't hit as good. I'd like to vape but all the vape storees are closed due to the virus shit, ciggies are too unhealthy user try to smoke them with moderation.

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kinda based imho

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me too

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Literally about to smoke a camel crush. I already popped the bead, senpai

>"I enjoy smoking"
>Non-smoker cucks immediately burst out of the woodwork to parrot the same old anti-smoking propaganda
Like clockwork. I smoke a single cigarillo every day during my lunch break. It's not even inhaled smoke, and people still get on my ass about it. Jesus christ, it's like one pack of smokes a month, leave me alone.

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I just don't smoke around people, they don't want to smell it, I don't want to hear it

Same. I go out back where I'm not bothering anyone, but it doesn't even matter. People are more bothered by the fact that I'm enjoying smoking, even in moderation, than by the smoke itself. It's just that one cigarillo.

i miss smoking before school with my frens

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get fucked

literally my mother


>smoker lungs are so disgusting that even corona doesnt want to get involve

are you certified stupid?

are you/

I had to switch to vaping though, cigarettes are €13.50 a box here