I want to live in USA

I want to live in USA

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Nonononononono. You want to stay in Europe. Europe good, USA bad.

I would say you should move here but Alpinids mostly aren't White

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Europeans still falling for the american dream meme?

Are you suicidal?

Me too
unfortunately I'm a talentless neet

USA braindrains Europe. Most Europeans with good degrees want to live there because they know it's better. Meanwhile streetcleaners stay behind in Poorope

I was in LA last year and I fell in love with it.

>fell in love
>with LA
What the FUCK is wrong with Europeans
Please stay over there

I will give you a full btc for a green card.

What did you love most, the chicano gangs shooting each others or the homeless hordes?

Yeah, that's why european population in the US is at an all time low and still dropping
Literally only people still moving there are russians

are you retarded?

You are mentally ill

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Thats a meme. I went to Compton late at night and nothing happens to me. Swedish no go areas are far more dangerous than the hood

Say Grandpa I am proud of him!

think again, there are a lot of homeless and mentally ill people, especially in major cities like New York or L.A
also the U.S has issues with survillance. It doesn't repsect its citizens

I wouldn't mind living in Santa Monica (if I was really rich and could afford holiday life the whole time)

Course nothing happened to you:
(1) you're not in a gang
(2) you look White to them so they won't fuck with you
Doesn't stop the entire area from being a shithole

Confirmed mentally ill
Compton has more murders than all of Stockholm btw, with 1/20 of its population

You are delusional, Netherlands

Same desu. We’ll make it one day friend :)

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Come to America, Bruce :)

I want to live in Australia. Americans are fucking crazy. I don't trust them as fellow citizens.

Hopefully in a few years, saving money as we speak

Why is a polish person this obsessed with an American neighborhood?

It’s really not better at all unless you’re an upper end STEM graduate and can just make your money and leave. Every European I know who lived in the US for a long period of time came to hate it.

Why. What is so important you want to leave your home country and move across the world. Really think about that because you probably wouldn't be happy with your decision

>nooo you can't take 5 seconds to google statistics, you're obsessed!
Based leaf retard

poles are second only to finns in autism levels

I sincerely don’t believe this.


I'm going to find you in Australia and split your skull open if you don't apologize immediately and start pledging your allegiance RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Same with educated Canadians, that's because USA offer higher salaries and much lower taxes.

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At first, you must buy gun for self defense.

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Unironically seething