Tfw no Juche gf
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is this a meme
>I seem to recall, in 2011 after one (1) building was destroyed, Americans were lining up to give away their so called "civil liberties"; (which no one ever has in the first place), but they were lining up to give the few ones that they thought they had, away, for their supposed safety, over 1 building and 3,000 deaths.
Is that a fucking Taurus?
This person would be on the first train to the nearest Kwalliso.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
why does this sassy young boy have so much bling on him?
Holy fucking BASED. I can't wait for China and NK to turn America into a wasteland.
Communism is the very DEFINITION of failure.
Cope harder, imperialist dog.
>mutt gook goblin thinks anyone other than kike puppets care about her retarded opinions
KYS fag dicklet Israel slave.
You are the one coping, tranny. Your economic utopia fails so hard, starving people has become one of its main characteristics.
This is about human lives, not your bullshit political spectrum argument. Muttland can fuck off and die in a mushroom cloud.
The best way to waste human life is striving for communism. Thank you for your input you sheltered island-tranny.
Man at last will begin to harmonize himself in earnest. He will make it his business to achieve beauty by giving the movement of his own limbs the utmost precision, purposefulness and economy in his work, his walk and his play. He will try to master first the semiconscious and then the subconscious processes in his own organism, such as breathing, the circulation of the blood, digestion, reproduction, and, within necessary limits, he will try to subordinate them to the control of reason and will. Even purely physiologic life will become subject to collective experiments. The human species, the coagulated Homo sapiens, will once more enter into a state of radical transformation, and, in his own hands, will become an object of the most complicated methods of artificial selection and psycho-physical training. This is entirely in accord with evolution. Man first drove the dark elements out of industry and ideology, by displacing barbarian routine by scientific technique, and religion by science. Afterwards he drove the unconscious out of politics, by overthrowing monarchy and class with democracy and rationalist parliamentarianism and then with the clear and open Soviet dictatorship. The blind elements have settled most heavily in economic relations, but man is driving them out from there also, by means of the Socialist organization of economic life. This makes it possible to reconstruct fundamentally the traditional family life. Finally, the nature of man himself is hidden in the deepest and darkest corner of the unconscious, of the elemental, of the sub-soil. Is it not self-evident that the greatest efforts of investigative thought and of creative initiative will be in that direction? The human race will not have ceased to crawl on all fours before God, kings and capital, in order later to submit humbly before the dark laws of heredity and a blind sexual selection!
Again, this is a discussion on genocide of humans and a people are oppressed. Their strong centralised government was simply a necessity. Do you expect to see a capitalist utopia and a Korean version of Times Square in Pyongyang given its history? Koreans are a people struggling and adopting whatever government model they can to survive, rather than sitting in your high chair picking the positives and negatives like some psuedo-intellectual. Death to America. DPRK and ROK will reunite and I hope justice is exacted upon Americans.
>western chink becomes a tankie after realizing she's been a cumdumpster for white men for years
Many such cases!
what does "tankie" mean?
Based and redpilled but Stalinist instead of fascist.
>fallout 3 fan
>ugh what could have been poster
>retarded incel
It follows
Anti self-determination.
Refers to authoritarian communists or those that support them.
Shes fucking right tho, America is always starting shit, if you bow to them you get Gaddafid.
t. Chink
not surprised seeing flag
kek'd and check'd
>Shes not wearing a bra, I can literally see her nips
holy moly
>Imagine being this retarded
She's fit but a bitch
Nice copy and paste, brainlet. Do you even understand the majority of the quote you are using?
Man will never become a bug by political means. Communists fundamentally misunderstand human nature and their aspired utopia is disgusting on an aesthetic level.
>Again, this is a discussion on genocide of humans and a people are oppressed.
Autocannibalizing purges, paranoia and genocide are inherent to communism.
>Their strong centralised government was simply a necessity.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. And even if so developments can be necessary or path dependent in their specific context but fundamentally dysfunctional and attavistic in a wider context.
>Koreans are a people struggling and adopting whatever government model they can to survive, rather than sitting in your high chair picking the positives and negatives like some psuedo-intellectual. Death to America. DPRK and ROK will reunite and I hope justice is exacted upon Americans.
>you on your high judgemental chair
>death to America
>>fallout 3 fan
decent game. Liberty prime is just a classic in its own right.
>>ugh what could have been poster
??? That's not an alternative reality pic but history, you idiotic tankie.
>>retarded incel
impotent buzzword used by soibois who have children with yellow teethed hambeasts
What makes her a bitch user?
Shes speaking TRUE TRUE
Is she from North Korea?
Bras are a tool of imperialist oppression.
I too, like to signal my intelligence by using a gigantic stack of books as a prop
Did she mean 2001?
>Wears a T-shit with "North Korea"
Definitely not a North Korean.
so if I wear a T-Shirt with "United States" that means I'm an American?