>be Bangladeshi workers
>get FREE LUNCH from Singaporean government
>not enough curry so throw away all the food
>complain that you're hungry and no energy

why Pajeets like this

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>chains you up against a wall for days
>shit on a plate and give it to you after day four
>wow, spoiled much? food is food, be grateful you have anything at all

That's not how we treat our foreign workers

>oy vey, these auschwitz guards ran outta coca cola for pizza day? fuck them, I wont even go this friday, that'll show em

How do you even write here? There's like 10 people on your island

5.5 million, and the govt aims for 6 by 2030
We're pretty much just your average big city but greener and our vacation spots are even smaller islands that belong to us, and the whole world
Read that Lebanon is going through hard times recently, any news on that?

Attached: happykillua.jpg (1081x1080, 79.28K)

damn nice, you even have a bigger population than us
>Read that Lebanon is going through hard times recently, any news on that?
Unfortunately, 3 decades of corruption made the country very weak and broken, but we got a good government for the first time ever and they made a plan, if all goes well our GDP will start increasing by 2022

Are they living in Singapore? If yes, the workers are based. Give better food to the workers, greedy richfags

>5.5 million, and the govt aims for 6 by 2030
lol the government wants to make it bigger? For what reason?

need to grow that economy bro, rich get richer you know bro, look at those green numbers baby

It does seem a bit silly, I dont think he speaks for all Bangladeshis.
It cant hurt to give more "bangladeshi style" food either. He's not a beggar, he's a worker. Are these lunches really "free" if he's a worker or is it part of his compensation for his work?

AFAIK, those food in pic related cost at least 6 bucks per person, including fresh brocolli and white fish, which ain't cheap in singapoor.

they're literally being paid to be quarantined....

he deleted his account due of the backlash

From my experience Indian will complain about little things if they are in a higher position and don't get things their way. They are acting finicky like
I am West Indies basically Indian, the food in the pic looks sufficient though.

>I am West Indies
You mean Carribean?

Yeah it comes off the wrong way, he comes off as whiny and wasting food as a grown man he needs to suck it up for sure.

At the same time, apparently its a quarantine meal and it probably legit sucks to be stuck inside with a virus and have to eat unappetizing food. He said it in a really annoying way, most Bangadeshi he is with are probably just suffering in silence.

>singapore is first wor-

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Compared to America? Yes, it most certainly is.

All prosperous countries are being carried by a hidden underclass, either inside or outside the country. Whether it’s outsourcing of manufacturing or imported labour, all the wealth and high standards of living are an illusion - it’s all a result of exploitation. This is why every country cannot possibly be rich. Most will always be poor while a few enjoy a disproportionate share of resources.

Yeah most Bangladeshis are stupid fucks what's new
t. Bengali

>comparing situation of foreign pajeet workers to the average natural born Singaporean

kys mutt kike retard.

This happens everywhere.

When refugees came to Italy, they handed out pasta and they were thrown in the trash. Refugees demanded money and better food.

When refugees came to France, they handed out bologna sandwiches and they were thrown in the trash. Refugees demanded money and better food.

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No t really an issue,. My mom had friends in refugee camps where the aid food given was basically expired wheat,

>My mom had friends in refugee camps where the aid food given was basically expired wheat,

wtf, i love moose now.

Singapore is basically no different then the gulf states that are majority foreign labour.

Should've poisoned the food.

This. The fucking gall of that guy to post that picture when the farmworkers that feed the United States, the richest country in the world, live like this.

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>he needs to suck it up for sure.
Considering Singapore's Covid rates are spiking since it's bouncing between foreign labourers stuck in dorms I can see he's stressed out.

You mean the refugees poison it?

Happened in Mexico too lol

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