Fuck finland

fuck finland

Attached: suomi9.png (1856x1402, 2.46M)

Eesti over all
Gott strafe Suomi

>second most violent country for women
that's because of afghans

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it's a common stereotype that finns kills people with knives. i think it must be true.

Hi is this the daily Finland thread?

Do Fenno-Swedes really?

this thread is about suomi (finland)

Hello, I am from Latvia (Latvija)
And we call Finnish people - Suomi
Good day, Sirs

>Sweden higher than Somalia

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you clearly don't know what fennoswedes are

pretty sure that only counts swedes, which also includes immigrants, but primarily i think it's because of swedes taking cruises to finland and drinks a lot

OP trying to outsource his failings as a human being to some abstract concepts that have nothing to do with his situation.

OP trying to outsource his personal failings to some abstract geographical entity.

Put the bottle down and take responsibility.

Swedish speaking Finns, right?
I figured Sweden has an ethnic population of Finns, and that they were the ones who predominately travel to Suomi cause regular Swedes can't be bothered.


Attached: suomalaiset.jpg (2318x1417, 444.14K)

Fenno swede rapes are like 0.6 per 10k

70% of those grills look hot!

take note that it says nationality, not ethnicity. a brownie with swedish citizenship is counted as swedish

>Swedish speaking Finns
Yes, but no. They're finn/swede mutts who are born and live in finland.
Swedish speaking finns who live in sweden are called (finnish swedes). The stats you're seeing in the pic are "swedes" and we do actually travel there a lot.

I inherited about 15 knives (puukkos) I don't use that I can use if I want to

Need Karjala hat

Ah. Makes sense.

finns are mongols from central asia

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Swedes are worse than literal Somalians why am I not surprised

I learned stuff today.
Thank you all.

this is going to be my wallpaper now

No it isnt its just a tool we use at everyday work such making tinder, forest work such cutting branches. Its a tool not a weapon.
or do you want to me to slash your femoral arteries open and let you bleed out svenne

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I'm out of here's! :D

stupid question but do pipo in finland realize that they have asian dna?

Finland best land. (after France ofc)

Bottom right girls are all qt3.1415's

LMAOING @ finnshit subhumans

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Slashing the subclavian artery is more fun for everyone

all finnshit mongoloid subhumans believe they are vikings and germanic

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I went to a Finnish sauna once.
An old lady beat the fuck out of me with birch branches.
I almost cried.

I thought Finns acknowledged alcoholism.

good thread keep it up

Based old lady