where are you from?
what do people in your cunt think of the vikings?
Where are you from?
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nothing much, apart from being raiders
is there any viking influence in france?
Snowniggers who discovered civilization thanks to france
not really
well, I guess you can still consider all the shit that has been built taking vikings raids into consideration as "viking influence"
I would like to see a more historically accurate version of the viking aesthetics instead of the hollywood black ans brown leather biker raider version.
we wuz raiding space before da whyte man took our space vikang tech from us
There is. Normandy where the french crown allowed danish vikings to settle. Those direct descendants of danes formed the Normans. The Normans being hugely influential in what would become england and france
kinda based that we glory these people
Nigga that was long ago, now normandy is just another french region
glorify the tradesmanship, the explorer spirit and the successful battles they had against actual armies
sweep the whole killing pacifist winemaking monks under the rug
Well there are a lot of 1/6 or 1/8 vikings living here apparently if Yas Forums is correct.
no hard feeling
We waz Varangians and shiet
We've had a decade of Vikings being the new "historical" fad. But what have general population really learned? Have they perhaps learned more falsehoods than truths?
What does user really know?
Have he even read a single norse work? A saga or two?
I know the common Norwegian haven't. Many can't tell me what the Heimskringla is about, even less tell me they have read it. Instead they speak an English pidgin has their head filled with Hollywood.
People on this site is afraid that Norway will be lost due to demographic change. But trust me, it is already lost culturally. Norway is just a giant MacDonald's.
Norway is dead.
They were very based, raping and killing chirstcucks. In another life instead of being white I'd like to be viking.
Most people think that Lagetha is hot, but I always found Aslaug hotter. Also after Ragnar's death the show declined in quality.
a meme
Like most shows the first few seasons can be pretty good but then it became boring
That's why I prefer movies
Here on Mexico, people think Vikings are just an aesthetic. White Mexicans tend to take pictures of themselves, shirtless while climbing a tree.
Some of them even got a rune tattoo.
we have festivals about them
But they're almost certainly spanish. Why not be proud of Iberia instead of germanics?
Because Mexicans and Spaniards have a pretty fucked up relationship. Mexico’s public education has taught kids that Spain only killed and raped their ancestors. Even the current president, amlo, demanded an apology from the Spaniard Government.
So yeah, we’re living the same situation as White Americans with slavery.
WE were first found by Vikangz
The blood of the first settlers runs thru my veins
But mexico only exists because of spain. They're literally some of your ancestors. If anything, most natives probably preferred the spanish to the fucking Aztecs
Yes, you’re right. But somehow Mexico has managed to successfully deny its own history. It’s a very controversial topic, even if you claim you’re proud of having European genes, people call you racist.
And as a consequence, white Mexicans make even more racist claims against brown Mexicans. We’re having a cultural war, people working for the Mexican government are constantly harassing white middle and upper class people. Kek.
I can't wait for this viKANG shit to fade in popularity. This shit has been played out since skyrim came out.
gender neutral, multicultural and allah worshiping
Honestly don’t get the appeal of vikangz or cowboys. Can’t understand why the media is obsessed with them.
soccer ultras
finland makes better viking metal than the vikangz themselves
People in Normandy LARP as Vikings
In the rest of France we just see them as barbarians who had a cool aesthetic
white guys in midwest and nonwhite girls love vikings
we adopted Rune Alphabet from them so that's kinda based