Is bullying in Korea as bad as it is portrayed in K-dramas?
Is bullying in Korea as bad as it is portrayed in K-dramas?
Which kdrama has bullying? I wanna watch
Pretty much any that involves a school.
In Itaewon Class there aren't many scenes but it's a fundamental part of the plot.
i think there is more bullying in china
Wow didn't know that. I remember that a girl who survived the Sewol sinking got bullied for being on the ship so bad she had to change schools.
we are living in a society
What did they bully her for? tf
from what i head bullying in korea and japan can be shit tier. glad my paretns moved here no bullying in america
Itaewon Class and Extracurricular are nice
no im korean
lmao, us is the country of bullies
I would only watch one if the protagonist is a white male pounding korean pussy
just be popular user..
That works in Korea too, innit?
And you think you wouldn't have fit in in Korea?
being attractive always works. and i thin ki would have but am glad to have nto to endure the awful education system there
Bullying is a thing in countries where people are ugly: Europe, US, Asia. They just seething and bullying.
Don't attractive girls get bullied out of jealousy by other females if they are really popular with men? That's what muh mangas say.
The only ones who benefit from being attractive are males.
You never felt out of place in the US?
I'm Asian too and I always wonder how much being surrounded by whites affected me psychologically.
Wait a minute are you saying that there is no bullying in Russia?
lol no. not that im aware of maybe real girls can chime in. i know girls can be harsh with each other but never trust manga
not really. i spent my childhood in CA and the rest of my life on the east coast where tons of asians were there to accompany me. idk i just never felt out of place here.
I don’t like cute girls bullied in movies because it doesn’t actually happen.
In reality only ugly or mediocre ones are targeted
Yes dramas are an exact representation of Korean life.
Yeah I guess the US is different.
Is bullying common in Japan? What do bullies usually do?
That's why I'm asking you cunt
is it common in italy?
there are many videos from asia where a group of girls will gang up on another girl to beat her up and pull her clothes off
Its because because in those dramas (Japanese or Korean), the bullyied one is usually extremely good looking, when in reality the ugliest ones in class are the ones getting bullyied.
I wish asian dramas cast more ugly or at leat normal actors to do their dramas (and not always the most plastically beautiful actor they can find), it would be more beliavable.
You can at most end up in Juvenile Detention if you physically or verbally bully some other students in these days.
How about Japan and jdrama? Also about jdrama, is street female teasing as prominent as in jdrama
we bullied htis american kid at school and on the last year before graduation he dropped out and just became a NEET who plays xbox all day
he still does that even today
lmao, faggot
any k-dramas like this?
Isn't a bullying junior high school thing?
I can't imagine bullying in high school which is often portrayed in a drama.
I see.
Does bullying there escalate to the severity of murder or attempted murder? Or that's just exclusive to desensitized shitholes like Colombia
I almost got bullying in high school before moving residence (the moving was already in the work at the beginning of the year).
What I mean is I would probably been bullied if stayed longer.
Generally, children grow out of bullying.
Bullying is a thing in elementary and middle school which means ~15 years old at maximum
im no expert but it seems every year or so a kid gets beat so hard they make the news. i think 2 years ago a middle school girl got beat hard enough to get placed in the hospital for no reason other than the iljin girls just felt like it. the texts that came out from the girls beating her just talked abotu going to the juvie in korea as if it was just a walk in the park. korean laws regarding underage criminals is fucked desu