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Cauliflower and waging edition

Attached: cauliflower.jpg (640x360, 61.42K)

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I cooked cauliflower for breakfast.

I overdid with the oil and should have cooked for a bit longer, but weekly skype meeting with my colleagues starts in 30 minutes and i wanted to eat before that.
inb4 vegan eesti comes in and says cauliflower isnt real vegetable.

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I want a job but aspergers, what do I do?

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What do you like to do?

What do you mean?

cleaning staff
though I imagine you'd find a way to fuck that up too

I give it solid 3/5. I always liked your cookings bro.

Get a job that an asburger can do.
There, I fixed your life, that'll be 30 dollars thanks.

looks delicious. good morning everyone

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juba üle poole tunni tunnen perses võõrast munni

I just realized I've missed 400€ neetbux this year. All I would've have to do is to send one paper. Remember to read your neetbux papers well lads

>tfw international student from EU so no neetbux

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I didn't register as a student for this semester. All I should've send a letter that I am not as a student status. I wondered why I get 100€ less neetbux but didn't care to read the neetbux letters

a _ _ _ _ ?

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I hate myself so fucking much and I hate myself for hating me.

Good morning, anime and hi kapo, how do you like my avatarfagging?

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I hate everyone

Cauliflower is op. Very healthy, tasty and good for weight loss. I think I will bulk up for 5 kgs and then only eat cauliflower from then on


What about women?

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casting my summoning skill was successful

Is there overproduction of food or why are tomatoes for example now so damn cheap? 1.3€/kg

super expensive if you buy it fresh, one cauliflower is three fucking euros wtf



me with animeposters

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I bought it like at 1.29euros a piece xD

>>me with animeposters
>>acting that soy

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lucky... I guess they really depend on sales and seasonality, I was literally going to buy a cauliflower couple days ago and the price at lidl was insane. frozen ones are cheap though and I like the variety that comes in a frozen pack.

>>>me with animeposters
>>>acting that soy

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Mida ma sulle teinud olen oma animepostimisega? Kas keegi kuses sul hommikuhelveste sisse, et sa nii kuri oled?

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Why are you not going to the lithuanian maxima but to some immigrant lidl?

>me with animeposters

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thoughts on natashas?

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