This is the middle east

This is the middle east

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turkey is european as FUCK

t. Berat Arslan

That's the Muslims, Middle East is just a chunk of that
And we are South Americans

Attached: a9PNonK_700b.jpg (700x461, 67.86K)

Based (you) collector

it's not a compliment to be considered european in 2020

>Cyprus is literally a stone's throw away (no pun intended) from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt
>not Middle Eastern

That is were subhuman spawns every match.

looks like fucking shit spread all over the place, you forgot pakistan though

Cyprus is Greek

greeks got fucking HUMILIATED in the cyprus war
got their hairy faggot asses pushed in

Turkey has a WAY larger population. It's not really a fair fight.

>Cyprus is Greek
And Singapore is Chinese. That doesn't make it East Asian.

No, we are middle east too

look at the K/D then
greeks are just inept cowards

well you're a shitskin living in a white country, how do you even find the balls to talk shit to any white lol?hahaha I mean a fucking shitskin hahahah

Nope, we r Old Mexico

Attached: white.png (602x340, 163.66K)

>cyprus had 600,000 people in 1974
>turkey had 30,000,000 people in 1974

If you love Turkey so much you should live there instead of the Netherlands

and France is Africa

telll that to the bordel of turks in sweden first.

why should he? you can't do business overseas if you love your country? this is some retarded NEET logic lmao, grow the fuck up manchild.

Turkish casualties
>1,500–3,500 casualties
Gayreek dogs slaughtered
>4,500–6,000 casualties

So yeah, Greeks are just inept incompetent weak niggers. Look at Finland during the winter war, they lost but had better KD. Gayreeks lost and got outKD'd

Arab world*

Thanks for teaching me france, merci

They're shitskins though.

>implying he wasn't born there because his parents were roachfugees
kys faggot, ik you're probably some albonigger

it's just funny that you all shit on white countries, yet you all have fled to them because if there's one thing you hate more than being born a shitskin, is having to live with other shitskins where you are the majority.

Please let us in


But Algeria is literally Africa

Yeah, so france is africa

France is algeria, so france is africa too

Canada is China

Yeah thay may flee to white countries. So Greece is safe. Dont bother

Didn't knew that algerians were black

>Greece is safe
>literally flooded by shistkin
shitskin did you smoke the heroin you were supposed to sell again?hahah lowlife scumfuck

If France is Africa we are surrounded by Africa?

t. New Somali
All niggers are Africans, but not all Africans are niggers, Mohammed