
Delicious ayam goreng edisi

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Build Bui....brrrrtt

Shit flip OP yet again

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tulog na

Finally /asean/ is dead

sorry too busy playing eu4

Cute cock

Battery hinders the progression of mobile devices
Processor, screen, ram etc get better every year but battery technology has been the same since forever
We could have had better technology if the battery can provide better power and less heat

Graphene ball batteries soon.

Have you guys finished filing your tax?

I already got my money back.

We have become 2nd class citizens in our country.

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lol. get on singapoor level.


well you are wrong

But you are the chinese.

i'm not communist. like malayous are 50% chinese DNA but still call themselves "sons of the soil".

Don't be racist lah. They are human too.

redpill me on the new Malaysian government.

it's another MADhathir's crony government, designed to cockblock Anwar's gang.

The Dutard chink worship cult is getting deadly oofs over here.
Absolute state

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communism and countries aren't a race, dumdums.

you should know. you killed 200 000 suspected commies(chinese indos) because CIA told you to.

based mahathir

i agree with pic related. allowing the poor to work is better than shooting them as soon as you see them on the street.

Indonesians are more manly than Malays.
prove me wrong.

The probelm here is the deluded belief that poor = resilient to the china virus.
This is how the dutard gov manages this fiasco

White men are manlier.

OMG stop being racist against yourself

if poor dies from disease, no one would care anyway. it's better for them to be working at least.

if richfags die because they came out to party hard with poorfags, i don't care either.

>200 000 suspected commies(chinese indos
This is a misinformation. Most people who died were jawaks and balinese. There were only less than ten thousands chinese who died.

oh my snackbars stop aparthied in MY !!!


thanks, CIA.

Either way the china virus will spread and everyone dies
Making the suffering that we have to endure form the Quarantine pointless.

>Either way the china virus will spread and everyone dies

that's proven to be statistically unreal fakenews. tt brasil and nordic cunts with ~0.00111111% fatality.

any black man is manlier than white men,
any white man is manlier than brown men,
any brown man is manlier than yellow men.

any yellow woman is more femenine than brown women
any brown woman is more femenine than white women
any white woman is more femenine than black women.

Then Quarantine is pointless, maybe we should take a chance.
If more people die it will be bad for Duterte's election campaign all the blame will go to him and whoever he pushes ;)

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>if poor dies from disease, no one would care anyway.
Lol this will be Dutard Legacy, everyone will make sure no one forgets it

i exaggerated according to total population.
i know you hate dutdut china but fakenews is dumb.

>They also discovered that 1,600 people have been infected with Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak. Of these cases, there were only seven deaths, indicating a fatality rate of just 0.4 per cent,

as they find more people who got tested positive but show no signs of any damage, the corona meme is looking more and more overhyped.

Why Hinamomo is so cute

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yes, i saw your mom with 5 BBCs on pronhub.

nobody cared even before dutdut's SHOOT TO KILL policy. you're juts doing the dutdut version of TDS.

that's what im sayan, brah.

That's why I said the Quarantine is pointless.

Let them go to work if more people die espcially in the provinces then, it will look bad for Duterte and his cronnies. ;)

isn't that a robutt?

Why are you so obsessed with Duterte?


hmmm.. gahmen officially says there's ~1,427,500 foreign "talents" in singapoor. Murika will never beat us at this level of multiculturalism and muh stealing jebs.

What will be your reaction if Duterte dies? Will you still go here and post about him?


Taiwan number 1, China number 4!