Does Yas Forums like women?

Does Yas Forums like women?

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I like Japanese girls

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Yas Forums is literally women and trannies: the board


i only like boys
cute boys, from europe preferably

Most threads on this board are about the worship of women (male)

Some are alright, some aren't.



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Yes, but I can't be fucked to exert effort with dating. Last thing I need is to blow time and money on an uncertain thing.
Do I like women on Yas Forums? I don't give a shit, I just treat them the same.

yikes no

Whats wrong with other ones

No, Yas Forums is a proud gay board.

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Nah bro. It's all fine, but I am in to girls
Expecially like this



Stop giving thots attentions, gain self awareness and stop humiliating yourself, it's embarrassing.

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No, real men suck dick

I hate women they disgust me

as i aged to 25 i recognized why women and men must be separated , and why clubs ban women.

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Yes, they are nice. Also, bobs and vaggina.

I like women, especially the foxey ones


sort of. my gf claimed to be a "lesbian" for like 4 years straight till I finally got her to like me.

if by women you mean muscular men, and by like you mean want to get fucked senseless by, then yes.

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why is she so perfect bros? i'd like she was with me in this moment, my tulpa of her is not enough

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God I need a hung bf

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Me too user, me too

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I love women, that's why I get frustrated when they disappoint me so profoundly

women are very lame at worshipping big cock desu
cock worshipping is 99% men and of that 99% like 60% is literal trannies

women don't like men and they tend to have shitty personalities if any at all, so it's hard for me to like them

Yes, but she's in another city now

What a dumb question. There are many variations of a personality, some good and some bad.

yikes, Yas Forums only loves fembois

>women are very lame at worshipping big cock
and thank god for that