Eagrán ulchabháin.
Sorry I went to bed early yesterday before you posted this.
I looked at the two examples on foclóir.ie, "eagrán póca" agus "eagrán scoile". Scoil is feminine so it changes to scoile, but póca is masculine and it stayed the same.
However, I looked into it again and found the reason for this was because the genitive form of póca, is just póca. So unless there's something more I'm missing then yes you're right and hence why this is eagrán ulchabháin and not ulchabhán.
What does genitive actually mean in this context?
Angloids are mad about the new Assassin's Creed, yeah I'm thinking Ubisoft is based
had the most bizarre dream
its a recurring one but it had an end this time
based on the wiki article of a show i read
Because you play as a viking and fight the beady anglo menace
immersion jokes are the peak of irish humour
Why do the Irish always become mad when I say that the Gaelic people never invaded from Ireland into Scotland?
>RTÉ News with Signing stopped the scrolling text and is now just the signer and the audio reading of the news
They must already have the script written if it's what the reader was speaking from. I don't see what point this has other than to alienate the deaf or hard of hearing viewers that don't know sign language.
not yet anyway
>Leo's hair is growing back
Hold on, I thought he was balding?
Based. It's just a pity that AC has been a shit franchise for about a decade now.
who cares
Maybe the coronavirus reverses male pattern baldness?
>Normal People is a show about normalfags for normalfags
Who would have guessed?
not a normalfag but i think it's alright
If you like it you are a normalfag, sorry. It's basically an advertisement for the degenerate and unnecessarily dramatic lives of Irish teens and young adults.
sp what's the story with the lockdown? Extended or no?
Why is half of Scotlands modern identity being Irish and the other half seething more than any other country about us
Literally never think of Scotland outside of Braveheart but you lads have town's where any public green sign is vandalized
Just really fucking bizarre
Where the fuck did you hear that? Was it announced today?
No, it's about insecurity in the young adult male population
It hasn't officially been announced, but both Leo and the Chief Medical Officer have indicated that the COVID-19 statistics aren't where they need to be to justify a loosening of the restrictions.
Which in a normalfag context means making mountains out of molehills about stupid relationship issues.
Don't give him attention.
I have autism though
People keep saying how agriculture makes up 30% of our emissions and we need to reduce the size of the national herd.
Not every countries' economy is going to be the same. Some countries will do more bankings than others. In our case we do more farming than others and thus export beef.
We may need to cut consumption of red meat to some degree to help reduce emissions, but people are still going to eat meat so thus shouldn't the most carbon efficient countries be responsible for producing the bulk of it and this be taken into account when calculating national emission quotas. Instead of giving every nation the same targets when some countries have necessary carbon producing industries?
for fuck sake, they need to start announcing it in advance.
I want to start playing some more games if I'l lbe WFH next week but don't want to start one if I can go to work
Broadly I agree with you, but if we don't significantly cut emissions in agriculture then we will have no choice but to make very serious changes in other sectors to compensate.
But Ireland's agriculture industry could certainly do a lot to be more environmentally friendly without touching the national herd.
>the national herd.
What national herd?
>anti-viral door handles
What a time to be alive.