What’s your favorite Eeveelution, /int9k/?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
First for Intel apprising
my parents are very conservative people.
I used to play Pokemon on gameboy (and also watch it on tv), i don't remember much but i always liked water type pokemons, dunno why 2bh. What about you? Which type is your favorite?
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Call me supreme leader from now on!
relatively conservative.
as in, if they were in sweden or germany they would be considered very conservative.
Umbreon’s my favorite Eevee, and I’m partial to fire and dark types.
do they hate immigrants despite being immigrants themselves?
>haha christians are promiscuous whores and pimps who get drunk a lot
if anything, the stereotype would apply to muslims more since they're suppressed to hell and back and would do what you claim we do if they were freer
You confuse me sometimes
kind of.
they dislike muslims.
but that’s false, don’t spread vile misinformation like that.
it's true.
go look at the diaspora.
Most Muslims here have tired pork and alcohol,except rural people like me, it's not a big deal anymore
lol, hating muslims while immigrating to majorly-muslim territories?
sorry to talk trash about your parents, but they’d definitely suck up to the nationalists here and think that as long as they insult muslims, they won’t be discriminated for being Arabs.
>lol, hating muslims while immigrating to majorly-muslim territories?
this is equivalent to
>haha how can you criticize society if you live in it
Idk my family is fairly conservative and the diaspora Ive met have also been, granted most Ive met were from mosques lol.
Is that true, I've had the gelatin in candy and thats pretty much it.
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the entire middle east is majority muslim, don't be stupid.
we're still middle easterners, even if a minority.
I literally hang out with the diaspora whenever I’m back in my hometown. Stop with the dishonest slander, insecure sectarian incel.
not all diaspora of course, just those who come from ultraconservative backgrounds.
Shut the fuck up, you cannot tell me what to do.
I'm talking about Lebanon, many nightclubs close in Ramadan because their target audience are Muslims who don't attend during the month, plus their are many alcohol markets in Nabatieh it self sometimes I wish I was a c*ty dweller so I can have sex
Yeah, that guy has no idea what he's talking about. Btw my favorite eeveelution is Jolteon. Do you play pokemon showdown? I just think it's awesome that there are more and more female gamers.
>this is equivalent to
lol no
moving to a place where the majority of people practice a faith you dislike is in no way like hating the lack of social progress and poor public service in your country.
you and the idiot iraqi diaspora here would get along by wallowing in your own misery just fine. alienating and disrespecting your fellow Arabs in a failed effort to make yourselves appealing to the nationalists who still see you as invading terrorists.
Damn that's crazy. I'd love to come visit you one day, maybe we could chill haha?
This. So much this. You can't even consider arabs human, they are more like apes. Don't you see how they continuously fight each other? Most of them only speak one language (I speak 3 languages btw #humblebrag).
yeah sure okay.
keep telling me how i'm wrong and you're right despite not having experienced nothing of my or my parents' experience
go get 'em, cowboy
>moving to a place where the majority of people practice a faith you dislike
muslims in europe are like that.
on the other hand, we are tolerant as long as our boundaries aren't pushed
get in the real thread before i start crying and call janny, your fake thread was made before bump limit
Thats funny, I wished I lived in a more rural place.
sure,I'm afraid I'll get lost if I go to a city tho
Who are you?
Fucking intolerant incel. Dude you are LITERALLY insulting a girl, don't you know that? You Arabs are like totally backwards. Ugh, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.
no, I like it here, but the chances of me having sex here is close to 0 unless I score some rebellious Bedouin girl
Execute me now I got to take the suhor
I'll hold your hand.
Do you have any pets or animals?
You should get a donkey and burn... I mean take care of it.
Enjoy your suhor.
girls have cooties
you are wrong, and so are your parents. you don’t face anywhere near the amount of discrimination the Arabs here, muslims and christians and irreligious alike, have faced since the turn of the century.
you’re living with fellow arabs, so you should be ashamed for regarding them as inferior masses for not having your minority faith.
muslims who escape to Europe, for the most part, don’t harbor ill will against the native people’s religions, nor see themselves as superior for having the “right” faith.