What is the most conservative, christian, lgbt-unfriendly, least feminist country in Europe?
What is the most conservative, christian, lgbt-unfriendly, least feminist country in Europe?
I'm guessing Hungary.
>What is the most conservative, christian, lgbt-unfriendly, least feminist country in Europe?
the wall is real
eastern europe in general
>least feminist
also anywhere in eastern europe, most visible case being russia
she's still a qt
Either Polan or Hungary
It's a different person. The eye colour is different. Katya had dark brown eyes unlike pic on the right
Russia is not least femenist. Poland is not conservative.
If you consider the Caucasus as Europe then definitely Georgia.
Nah, Slavic women are empowered as fuck.
Religiousfags need to be rounded up and turned into fertiliser.
The one with the worst living conditions I’m sure
Hungary or Poland. Rusian user above me seems to know his shit though, so maybe Georgia.
Good luck to us both user.
Burn in hell sodomite.
Damn she aged well
Is it because her half japanese genes?
Wall katya looks kino desu
Being a weeb doesn't make her half Japanese.
Wouldn't it be gorgeous if we could advance genetic engineering to the point girls will always look like this?
Malta is also in Europe user
>in Europe
Holand or Pungary
They are brown
Now that is dangerously based
Not any more than Italians
Fucking Slovakia. Kek,
Just make robowaifus at that point
How the fuck she not turn into babushka?
She is half Japanese Hapa
Katya Lischina
Isn't she a Tatar?
>this fucking meme
there was a mistranslation for the czechoslovaks where it read "would you be proud of"
brate moj