1. ur cunt

1. ur cunt
2. your country's proudest historical achievement?

when we conquered half of france (and terrorised their women) during the hundred years war

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you know faggot

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why didnt you keep it

You mean when a quarter of France conquered you?

But it was French king fighting another French king

It wasn't you at all.
Your king was still caling themselves the "King of France" and almost half of France was actualy under their control even before the war.

Btw, your side lost the war.

Agincourt was based. I don't know how you lose all these gains, French leaders were so garbage.
Joan-chan really saved their asses.

When we fucked Dutch boipussy with our long spears

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100 years s’il vous plait

they spoke english and considered themselves english

>Btw, your side lost the war.
it only took them more than a century

when we conquered half of france (and terrorised their women's pussies) during the second world war

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because the fr*nch reneged on their treaty recognising the english king as their rightful ruler when our backs were turned

But you are not proud of that.

not publicly and only in certain situations

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>they spoke english and considered themselves english
Can't you read?
Half of France was already under the control of your king(as kings of France) before the war.

Also, medieval kings didn't really saw themselves on a national basis, so what you said makes no sense at all.
>it only took them more than a century
Yes, because the continental french started in a worse situation, with vassals openly defying their kings and siding with the islander kings

how does the achievements of a Norman aristocracy relate to Ingerland?

depends on which king(s) you're talking about.
Henry V and the Lancasters? Yeah sure
Richard III and the Plantagenets? lmao

Also "England" inherited most of these lands, didn't conquer them but I'm getting a feeling you're more interested in the international "banter" and not so much the in historical impartiality

>Half of France was already under the control of your king(as kings of France) before the war.
we lost all of it a century before


>Also, medieval kings didn't really saw themselves on a national basis, so what you said makes no sense at all.
true, but for all intents and purposes they were english (spoke english, used english armies, born in england, etc.)

>Also "England" inherited most of these lands, didn't conquer them
nope lol
see they were all new gains

The Westfeldzug is most likely the only thing about WW2 that Germans feel remotely proud of. Only minor war crimes (compared to Operation Barbarossa or the campaigns in Poland and Southeastern Europe) and we beat them fair and square.

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>we lost all of it a century before
There's no way someone could really think the House of Anjou was english.
>true, but for all intents and purposes they were english (spoke english, used english armies, born in england, etc.)
One could argue that they were french, because they had french blood. Stop applying modern national concepts to feudal kings.
>they were all new gains
They were not because many of the local nobility decided to side with your kings instead of the continental kings. Notably Burgundy, which was the strongest french state.

I imagine myself in Aquitaine, leading my division. Our mission is to stop fr*Nch frogs from advancing. We mow down fr*Nch frogs but they keep coming. I shoot fr*Nch frogs but I run out of arrows so I draw my dirk and begin slaughtering fr*Nch, since fr*Nch are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. fr*Nch arbelists were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see EDWARD of WOODSTOCK (The BLACK PRINCE) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Somerset, my homeland. My ÆNGLISC brethen gave me a warm welcome to heofon. I finally made it, I finally made it into heofon...

nuff said

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lithuania looked like THAT?!

what happened?

angloid cannon fodder

Russian, prussians and austrians happened

Created a commonwealth with Poland AND some time later partitioned by Russian and Kraut empires

yes, we
iirc king john is considered to be the first plantagenet who was more english than french

>Stop applying modern national concepts to feudal kings.
I never mentioned blood (all monarchs had foreign blood), I mentioned language and culture

we raped monkis

>iirc king john is considered to be the first plantagenet who was more english than french
Plantagenet was literally a cadet of the house of Anjou.

"more english than french"
He spoke french. If anything the only reason he was "more english" was because he was dumb and lost most of his french lands
>I never mentioned blood (all monarchs had foreign blood), I mentioned language and culture
Exactly my point. You think speaking english made you english, I think the blood was more important.
Of course, being royals none of it mattered.