Whats up with the french and african girls ?

Whats up with the french and african girls ?

Attached: frog bleaches 600 african girls.jpg (539x700, 142.64K)

Spend a week on Yas Forums and you will that it's not a French man thing, it's an incel thing. The average white male african female couple in real life has a 25 years age gap.

Nothing, really

Colonizer genetics

It wasn't even a question with that filename.

Attached: GRUG SMELLS TOES.jpg (750x475, 146.99K)

knew a french guy that went to senegal to do just that.

I only fucked two black girls in my life.

The fist one was nice,petite and cute, from Friesland but originally Madagascar, we fucked regularly for a time. The other one was strong willed but with a great body and originally from the Comores, she was also my boss at work.

>she was also my boss at work.

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The frenchman's role in this world is to breed African queens!

>she was also my boss at work.
Holy based

What's wrong with that ?

yep, I think they are based

based when are you taking back madagascar and the aef to bleach them?

>a malagasy in friesland

Attached: 1556580018081.jpg (1257x636, 88.01K)

>you will never have black gf

Attached: 94504805_910188326061019_1881304185825467868_n.jpg (696x693, 79.06K)

Is that kennyS?

ngl, pic related makes me hard

Yeah I'm a degenerate. She was in her late twenties and we hit up several bars in Hamburg, I had to pretend I was her boyfriend (which people didn't believe btw) so that she wouldn't get harassed, and at some point we stopped pretending.
I fucked her three times during the night and left her after having done a massive shit in her bathroom.
Shit was cash.
She was adopted, she was a very sweet one

ahah mdr je crois que je t'ai déjà vu sur un thread en train de parler de ça
t'as aimé la frise?

me too desu


Nah. He is serb student in US who married black chick.

idk man

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do you have proof?

is that what sex really looks like?

How much AIDs has he spread

>Frog bleaches 600 african girls.jpg


I made the op image

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Im going to rape you now

Attached: mmmmfrog.jpg (283x260, 23.65K)

I have poo poo in my bumhole, it blocks your ding dong from entering my aladdins cavern

They're racemixing degenerate cucks.

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Here's one with proof

Attached: A25E9C74-2671-4512-802E-4E5B19C2D104.jpg (496x619, 41.94K)

Not only african girls, it's just that the french are coomers