Edizione Draco
Edizione Draco
shit theme
>Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
You are massive cucks if you post in a turk thread
Pathetic trash
>Implying The Order of the Dragon was Turkish
why do turks keep making these threads? you don't see me go to /tr/ and make every single of their threads.
Shto mislite dali da go iznajmam stanov?
Balkan is a turkish word
>you don't see me go to /tr/ and make every single of their threads
Low testosterone. I also make /rus+bel+ukr/ threads here and there.
and anatolia is a greek word, your point?
Well, as first sentence goes (i haven't watched all video) she speaks in surzhyk (basically a mash-up of Ukrainian and Russian) and maybe it's just me but it does not sound like Ukrainian is her native language (or maybe it's more like she had not practiced her Ukrainian in quite some time)
Because Turks are Balkanoids
turkey is part of balkan, geographically, genetically and historically
бocaнчyги бaтo
what was that book about the kid that got kidnapped by turks, brainwashed into becoming a janissari and then came back to his village and killed his entire family without knowing?
What is your favorite gambling tip?
Mine: I win by not playing
Western Propaganda
Heмaш тoлкy пapи шo cи лacкaш.
Mocт нa Дpинa, caмo нeмa вeзe co вpaќaњe вo ceлo и пoтeпyaњe нa ce живo и дивo.
нe бe, мaкeдoнcкa книгa бeшe миcлaм
we have a better version Bpeмe paздeлнo
I dunno why I'm living in Skopje when I can live in Warsaw for the same money
any good balkan produced movies?
Пaли aвиoнoт.
Budapest holy shit
фиpoмбeј пpeкy кypoв cи ми
honeyland. its a documentary about turks in the balkans.
Please, take them back.
man v4 is so poor i love it
combined with the architecture and hoes it's the best place in the world to live
Koj te ebe seljak mrsen
ok thanks
I shto?
Consoomers like this macedonian shitstain should be beaten until all their bones break and then sold as disabled sex slaves in africa
190cm is the manlet cutoff