Your thoughts on late-Soviet/Finnish architecture?

Your thoughts on late-Soviet/Finnish architecture?

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reminds me of edmonton

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kinda like shit and time destroys it
but "what" now is even worse

it is a very pragmatic architectural style, something any civil engineer would admire, yet zapadnye cucks will always shill for their fancy architectural gay shits because this is what jewman tells them to do in order to transform building homes into a "work of art"
soviet architecture was kino and westerners are faggots, they unironically think pic rel is better

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I like it...
It's like my vidya

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they're just blocks, but you incredibly can make them look aesthetic af, thanks for that

Based, but kids hate this, because Bloggers said them that bad. Fuck zoomers, commieblocks are great

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How can you unironically not like that?

Spare a nuke to end our misery.

I like it so long as the commieblocks are maintained and kept in good condition.

Depressing but also comfy.

How can it be depressing?

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man, it's just bland and soulless,
add to that, if you not maintain such architecture properly it turns from city 17 into some stalker scenery

only spoiled rich westerners and memesters would call something like that "soul"

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>bland and souless
Cause your blogger said that?
Well, i admit that some city's doesn't pay full attention to condition of they commieblocks, Volgograd for example. But in Moscow everything looks great and it have a soul. I love district's with that architecture more than historical district's, cause they have a more soul than hipster's Kitay-gorod or something like that.

They are litterally cardboard houses, basically some rich jewshit with billions buy cheap marshy land, dries it, build 300 houses of the same model with pvc outside coating, and sells them for 5 times their worth. These houses get sold for 450k$ minimum and are shit in terms of materials. Also, no trees, no gardens, no flowers, no fucking soul, just lime green grass because everyone loves grass right? All the families are white soccermoms and skinny fat daddies or boomers who love lawns and no one talks to each other,they only buy these houses to feel good about owning something despite getting into massive debt to claim their own mcmansion

Trust me, I grew up in one of those, it is comfy as a kid, but growing up got me to realize it is a soulless conseumerist nightmare. They are lucky we are a sparsely populated cunt atm because this shit won't last forever

you can start your blog and all you will see is commieblock loving doomer fetishits

people just hate it, and certain curly blogger know how to please their demands

I aprove this

Dude, when i see webcam/onlyfans girls pics, they room's literally looks the same.

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Its a representation of that times values, needs and style. Pragmatic choice but imo very dull. It doesnt take much to make a building just that much more gentle on the eyes

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Personally i found cherepovets from cargo 200 film absolutely amazing for depressive mind, but should we force everyone to live like that? No.

But for me its 40s functionalism

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>and certain curly blogger know how to please their demands
You're goddamn right. Modern urbanists is just a populists and nothing all. I really don't understand how Moscow zoomers can hate they commieblocks, that's just imposed opinion.

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Cargo 200 city too depressive. I'm not talking about city's like that, but that's not fault of commieblocks that city is depressive. Detroit doesn't have commieblocks, and so what? I think all industrial cities have that problem.

functionalism < monumentalism

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Fifty-thousand people used to live here......

Now it's a ghost town

Yes in a case of a parliament building

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For everything

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Damn whats that?

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