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“At least they aren’t in a zoo”
Then you get banned from twitter for racism.

Even if my ancestors were all in hell, it doesn't mean I don't have ancestors, what kind of retarded logic is this?

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>dont have ancestors
>actually they are in hell
i dont get it, we have it or not ?

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But all humans come from monkeys

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Have you ever read the Bible, retards?

>t. Protestant interpreting the Bible


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wow cool it with the islamophobia

American politics are such a cancerous tumor upon the world
We need a Great Firewall of our own

I swear to god you pale Mongolian weakling, if you don't keep the filth from drooling out of your mouth, I will give you a taste of my wooden stick.

Monkeys can't meme

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unless they're under a proxy, right

i feel bad about black people in america. they have an inferiority complex because they have no connection with their history, so the only way to feel good about themselves is try to bring others down


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We share a common ancestors. Todays living non-human primates aren't our ancestors.


white folx are finished here sweaty

>so the only way to feel good about themselves is try to bring others down

that's literally what Europeans and Americans do

my ancestor :)

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>half of the comments are white women going yas qveen i'm white and i agree
kek it's over for wh*toids

they were still monkeys

Twitter is the worst batch of human garbage imaginable. Even boomer facebook has more dignity.

I think you are forgetting a certain Ugandan porcelain website


im not racist, i just dislike niggers

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All lifefrom come from an asteroid.
Doesnt matter if you are Human, black or a shroom.
We all have same ancestry and we all equal with same cababilities.


Twitter thread?

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Exactly what you said retard logic. Most brown and black people are mildly retarded. Many such cases!