How do guys get over heart breaks in your cunt?

How do guys get over heart breaks in your cunt?

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alcoholic beverages

By committing a murder-suicide

Alcohol and then sleeping with some other hoe
>inb4 gtfo normalfag

>How do guys get over heart breaks in your cunt?
My identity is greater than the view of someone else over me.

I would never suffer heart breaks because I would never have any sort of relationship if the woman is not completely subservient to me.

Attached: augustus.jpg (550x705, 42.72K)


killing the bitch

Attached: 1588259500221.png (1513x766, 1.39M)

by breaking their hearts earlier

Masturbate until it hurts

drinking and working hard

cardiac catheterization

Attached: hero-cardiac-catheterization.jpg (1800x1013, 286.26K)

I became a neet. Almost hikikomori.

Get out jew you're not smart.

Bros it hurts I don't even what to continue college without the light of my life.

just ignore it haha

It's just chemicals.

Why is there a carpet on the wall ?

Art hoe "art", but that's not her, though she looks similar.

I thought It was an afghan?

Isnt the heart a muscle?

counter strike

I dropped out because of heartbreak. Crying all day on bed for month on end won't do you any good, trust me. If you need to drop a few courses do that but don't just drop out.
Firstly, you'll regret it later
Secondly, keeping your mind occupied helps getting over her
I wish you a swift recovery

I guess you're right, i just don't have the strength to finish my finals.

Smoke marrocan hasj and play vidya

Based Zweed

drink and party or new gf

you've never met a white woman lmao

Why are you asking me when I'm still not over him?

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New gf? My oneitis rejected me.

get new oneitis wdym, u have 300mil people u can pick and choose

You'll get over it eventually, or at least adapt to it until it becomes your new normal
Considering you're still in college, a year from now you'll look back and laugh at yourself