Which country has the best 'legends'

Which country has the best 'legends'

For example England has King Arthur and Excalibur

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books.google.se/books?id=EAbICQAAQBAJ&pg=PA151&lpg=PA151&dq=kurds excalibur&source=bl&ots=6S4BWIrh6Q&sig=ACfU3U0iXTLbwo6qtsJM5Sk1U2A8lrQlFg&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAn4jG0ZDpAhVPwsQBHZFmCXsQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=kurds excalibur&f=false

hey have you seen John Boorman's Excalibur? is it good? I'm bored and need someone to recommend films pls


Greece, obviously

I recommend this

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Germany, the Holocaust

North Korea unironically

matter of france > matter of england
haha look at them go

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Davy Crockett

Reported to the BND

I know he invented a raccoon hat but what else

Saudi Arabia.

Ever heard of Mohammed? Wow, that guy was sick, lmao. The novel is pretty epic, lol. The Kohram or sth like that.

You can't take it for serious, but it's pretty entertaining.

It's a great film. Feels like a theater play rather than a movie at times, but I think it works in the films favor.

I love the English legends that developed in an mysterious post-roman britain and were exported to the world by hollywood

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anyone know what lake this allegedly was?

Finland has some pretty good ones.

Oh god. it's real.

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Native American




Everything else

we wuz chivalrous and shiet

>ey yo, Guinevere, get that pale a$$ on this dick here

Whats the meaning of Valhalla?

>scandinavia over celtic
>native american over mesopotamian
>scandinavia high tier

I just realized, they made Lancelot black and not Arthur because then the black guy would be cucking white Arthur

books.google.se/books?id=EAbICQAAQBAJ&pg=PA151&lpg=PA151&dq=kurds excalibur&source=bl&ots=6S4BWIrh6Q&sig=ACfU3U0iXTLbwo6qtsJM5Sk1U2A8lrQlFg&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAn4jG0ZDpAhVPwsQBHZFmCXsQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=kurds excalibur&f=false

Attached: damn....jpg (671x172, 66.28K)

we have the best legends desu

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Attached: sampo väinämöinen perkele kalevala karjala.png (249x239, 148.22K)

Second post, best post.

Japan, China and India in close second.

-Power gap-


All the rest is trash.

Why have the English stolen the ledgend about a Welsh king? probably maybe because they never existed until the normans so needed to make up some history.l

Is that not a story that you find in many cultures? Some stories are so familiar to each other.

Someone needs to fight in Ragnarök.

Almost certainly yes. But most mythologies came from somewhere else. Because they had to be myths back in those days too, right? Don't look to closely at the Phonecians if you want to think the Greeks were original.

so uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh some guy got a sword out a stone and became king haha
>Greece and Iran
Some guy fucked the Earth and became a God, then his sperm became the ocean and the strongest man became a warrior who kills off creatures also here's some philosophy

Arthur is welsh. You got Hengist and Horsa.

go back to plebbit unfunny chink

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Kalevala is a seinen anime
>incel gets fucked over a hundred times
>plot revolves around a literal macguffin
>maybe the real sampo were the heroic sacrifices we made along the way :)

Arthur was a ROMAN BVLL

Maybe but his tale is welsh

The natives were looking for a place to build their city, they were told by some God that they should built it where they saw an eagle eating a snake on top of a cactus.
They supposedly found them in a tiny piece of land in the middle of a lake.
And that's the founding of Tenochtitlán and our coat of arms.
I like that story a lot.

Attached: Aztec Founding.jpg (750x426, 99.92K)

väinö is incel icon