>Oh my god . . . oh my GOD . . . IS THAT, no . . . is that an . . . anime character . . . in an SS UNiorm . . . gassing jews with her beautiful AND might I add, LUXURIOUS FEEEET
*proceeds to grasps of his desk*
*Unzips trousers revealing his micro penis.*
*grasps onto it and violently thrusts it into his cupped hand filled with saliva.*
>I'm gonna do it . . . i'm gonna FUCKing do IIITITTT
*Computer screen gets soaked in cum*
>Oh my god . . . yes . . . wait.
*Looks over at Luger sitting on dresser
>I must . . . I must follow my LEADER . . . I AM HITLERRRR
*kills self*
Oh my god . . . oh my GOD . . . IS THAT, no . . . is that an . . . anime character . . . in an SS UNiorm...
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It's funny how all nazi larpers are anime trannies
Cope. I'm a fascist and I despise anime, video games and all other types of degeneracy, even moreso than Hitler did.
cope. most trannies are left wing f
Hitler hated anime and video games?
>complain about non whites in movies and video games because muh historical accuracy this is genocide
>praise chinese cartoons about murderous dictators being depicted as little girls
Why are they like this?
oh no
Hitler was a drug-addled schizophrenic degenerate who wanted to exterminate half of Europe himself. Nazi soldiers were avid cross-dressers.
OOPS! I lost my pants!
No, but Hitler embraced certain forms of degeneracy which I, as a fascist, must reject.
not all but majority definitely
fascism and far-right is inherently gay hell even Italian fascism was established by gay ultranationalist poet
they're not like this, you think this way because you live in a reddit reality
gimme evidences, proofs etc.
Hitler was not racist, he just did not like Jews.
I don't idolize Hitler, but I contend he was one of the greatest and competent leaders of recent history.
yeah, like how Italy sent all homos to an island, yeah super gay ideology. or like homos were made to wear pink triangles
shut up you have no idea what you're talking about
Ching chong lao dang to you too
Based chinlet
>almost destroys Europe
>gets his country destroyed
>all on the misguided notion of racial purity
Why did he hate Russians then?
Then the UK and France would support him his decisions, if he would competent
>Based chinlet
He had a program to destroy "degenerate art" which was basically anything that wasn't classical art or original Disney. Anime for sure would have been considered "degenerate art" because of all moe pedo toons that flood that particualr market.
Sneedposting is dead, stop it
Plus it was never funny
thats was the a pic of the weimar era that led to the nazi takeover
sound familiar?
Well, pardon me Mr. Gucci loafers
everyone from every army did this, ultranigger. it's comedy, not faggotry
cope tranny.
Hitler was based because his actions led to the deaths of millions of wh*te people
Everything that wasn't greco roman knock offs was "degenerate art"
He choked on Russian pies, and then everything happened, as we know today
>Sneedposting is dead, stop it
>Plus it was never funny
>Oh my god . . . oh my GOD . . . IS THAT, no . . . is that an . . . anime character . . . in an SS UNiorm . . . gassing jews with her beautiful AND might I add, LUXURIOUS FEEEET
Why so mad tranny?
Read about Gabriel D 'Annunzio he was first Italian fascist, dear Mussolini friend (if only) and gigantic faggot
Cross dressing is different from being a Transgender
I'm just saying if you called a cross dresser in a gay bar "trabny" you'd probably get your ass kicked
slit your throat
They also found child-nugget porn on his laptop
this is not sufficient evidence, this doesn't prove that the high command was any way gay. this is just anecdotal evidence you pulled out of your ass.
and as if you even watched the video, the guy in it even said that this was a cultural thing and doesn't think that these soldiers were actually gay. and the identity of most of the soldiers is unknown, so we probably don't even know if they were proper soldiers
>literal nazi Wehrmacht soldiers
>weimar era
>everyone from every army did this
Nah lol. Also arent nazis supposed to be "anti-degenerate"?
They were all state mandated meth addicts too.
>Im a facist
Cringe bro
here are more pic of the weimar republic democratic liberal system
>this is not sufficient evidence, this doesn't prove that the high command was any way gay. this is just anecdotal evidence you pulled out of your ass.
I'm a Salafo-fascist btw (coined the term myself)
now you're just pulling shit out of your ass
I'm a libertarian socialist but I always feel the need to defend Hitler
you know that most fringe movements will have fringe people in them so it wouldn't be entirely surprising if the first italian fascists were in some way fags
Just say salafist
Or just muslim
Fascism is redundant
more like self-fellatist
>t. kike shills
Everyone knows the Nazi leadership was progressive and wanted LGBT rights but the evil allies wouldnt let them, your kike shillery wont work here shlomo.
engage with the arguments faggot, or don't and keep hiding in your little reddit-hole
Gorky strongly supported efforts in getting a law passed in 1934, making homosexuality a criminal offense. His attitude was coloured by the fact that several leading members of the Nazi Sturmabteilung, or Brownshirts, were overtly homosexual. Writing in Pravda on 23 May 1934, Gorky said "exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish."
Nazis are homos
Nazis were larping as romans so it make sense after all
Not really. I'd like to combine elements of European 20th century fascism with Salafism. I have already made some cool SS division-style logos with Islamic imagery for my movement. I also reject certain aspects of Hitler's ideology. Because it would be illegal not to and I am a law-abiding citizen.
i hope you don't actually read this shit
there's no real records of any of this actually happening, other than a few shitty books published by retards long after the war. kys.