
260,000,000 population
more than seventeen thousand islands
Over 700 regional languages
Over 300 ethnic groups

So what the fuck are they doing ? Why i never hear about them ?

Attached: 800px-Indonesia_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (800x801, 163.8K)

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Superpower 2050

they just don't settle with Whit*id values and priorities.

Me neither and the SEA countries we work with are always Vietnam, Thai, Philippines and Malaysia. I wonder what the fuck is going on in this giant.

Do you not remember that 2004 tsunami?

Blame the Dutch.

1. Because "we" are autistic.
2. Others are sucks so its not worth telling somthing or asking for attention.

it is large enough to become very powerful if they were not lead by idiots

why do you care? mind your own fucking country and leave them alone

only thing going on in Indonesia is that sharia law will soon be the norm on all islands.

Indonesia doesn't exist

They literally took the worst parts of the worst colonial regime and are now applying it everywhere in their country.

Horrible imperialists. Not even joking.

Most of those groups and languages are meme tribes akin to those in Papua (except for those literally in Papua).

>Why i never hear about them ?
Because you are not important country so we dont sent our information. Pic unrelated

Attached: 1572822664679.jpg (750x750, 103.96K)

Nvm i just remembered that pic related was in Indonesia i don't want to know anything about them now

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West papua and East Timor are both absolute shitholes because of indonesian shitheads and their own country is nothing but palm plantations. Also now they're planning to move their capital to kalimantan because Jakarta is sinking and on kalimantan there is still some old rainforests left so obviously you got to move there so you can take those down and farm the land for even more palm oil.

Worst country In SE Asia par none.

sniffing glue and watching porn mostly

>andaman tribes 2.0 do their things.
Fair enough. The next you will see in movie is papuan tribal war and genocide but indonesian is the bad guy.

Are they Muslims or are they "Muslims?" What do they think about whites?

Because we do basically NOTHING ever. Our system include whatever we do or build will be torn down by the next authority. This is the power of centrism.

We love wh*teys and love to racemix. We also fuck each other like rabbits. I have a mixed feelings of muslims here but i'm 80% sure it is safe

Did Allah protected you from the sexpat menace or you didn't even bother to advertise ?

250 million population
over 3000+ bla bla
over 9000+ bla bla
What are they doing? Why i never heard about this?
>the 100+ same thread with similar text exist in the pasts
Such power of cute and innocent nation uWu

>We love wh*teys and love to racemix. We also fuck each other like rabbits
I thought was haram bro
>I have a mixed feelings of muslims here but i'm 80% sure it is safe
What's your ethnicity?

>Such power of cute and innocent nation uWu

Attached: 0_Reynhard-Sinaga-2.jpg (615x815, 57.32K)

>more than seventeen thousand islands
>Over 700 regional languages
>Over 300 ethnic groups
Literally some of the three reasons why they're not doing good tbqh
How can you expect people to actually control all these islands, ethnicities and languages?
Humid and hot weather doesn't help too

It is the chinks who mostly deal with sexpats.
We do it after marriage. Preferably with other ethnic. We really do.

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sounds depressing

I love Indonesia. Very based. I love Bintang! Keep on truckin' based bros.

From what i had experienced we actually secretly enjoying it

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maybe because it has over 300 ethnic groups, they dont work together very much
its not a nation, its a mere state of multiple countries forced together

They are watching anime

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>So what the fuck are they doing ? Why i never hear about them ?
Because you live in the West and consume Western media