Why is it so hard to say goodbye to someone for the last time? :(

Why is it so hard to say goodbye to someone for the last time? :(

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Who died, user?


>grandmother beg me not to die
>"user, I'm dying and I don't want to go.."
>relatives think she died peacefully

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I don't know that feel

That’s an awful last memory of her for you.

Nigga just open your mouth and say the words lol

what a greedy fucking whore
lived a long life with children and grandchildren and her dying wish was "I NEED MORE"?
Disgusting. She is for sure burning in hell

ah? who cares ?

you should have stabbed that useless whore

It's not great, but no worse than maintaining the white lie that she died not knowing.

I think if you started to die on a Saturday day morning with only a single family member around you, you'd probably be unhappy at that.

Just don't say goodbye, thats my technique and my plan

yeah, i don't know. if it's been a while it's probably safe to share it with someone.
the last time i saw my grandfather he was lying in bed at the nursing home and he couldn't recognize me. i spent practically my whole childhood at his house and the last time i got to speak with him he asked who i was

Good god, what a pathetic being.

That's why I pretend to die before I get dementia.

i don't think it was even dementia. his body was just wasted away. his last few years were really rough.

Before my grandma passed away she had a couple of really rough years. She didnt have dementia but she had issues recognizing people or remembering things.
I remember once when she couldnt recognize my grandfather right away. Then he took his hat off and reintroduced himself she was like oh okay. My dad went full coping denial, oh it was just the hat of course she couldn't recognize him I didn't say anything because I guess he needed to believe that lie.

it's interesting what our minds do sometimes when they try to reduce stress

Noone died, sry if I made it sound like that.
I'm just moving far away tomorrow and will most likely never see most of the people I've been close to for the past five years again.

Saying that and forget about past relationships are skill

a skill*

I don't know if I want to forget about these people though

why do you think you'll never see them again?

>will most likely never see most of the people I've been close to for the past five years again.
Why not?

Just suck it up like a man what can you do

Unless they're dying it won't be the last time. You run into people randomly all the time.

Do you not have their phone numbers or something?

you have to accept its happening



Try coping by telling yourself you'll see them again soon for a bit until you get over it.