Map thread

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I thought Barcelona was Cartaginese too

Very interesting. Especially how all those unique and pure Galicians turn out to be nothing but a bunch of imposers

>unique and pure Galicians
according to who lol
the only unique thing aboutt galicians is how theres dozens of generations that never moved out of their home village/city so they were genetically isolated for centuries
i know a few phoenician/carthaginian locations
>Ibiza (Ebysos)
>Cádiz (Gadir)
>Massalia (Marsella)
>Malaga (Malaka)
>Cartagena (Qart Hadast - new city)

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Galicians were invaded by romans and arabs.

And then when the muslims were expelled from Castilla, many went to hide in Galicia.

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I've read somewhere it was founded by one of the Barcas, idk if it was Anibal maybe his father or one brother I don't know, in one of the Punic Wars

Indeed, every town here is 'Santa Maria de'-whatever the town is actually called.

I read in some regional genetic chart of the galician comunities and the area north of Lugo had around 35% of MENA ancestry

The whitest people I've seen in the Iberian Peninsula have been in places like Cuenca, small cities full of visigoths, celtics, or whatever.
The muslims were fucked hard in the ass there.

>according to who lol
All the muh Galicia is white and celtic larpers on here

im sure 100% of those people are not galician or didnt even step foot in galicia

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It's well known that the genetical divide in Iberia is west-east and not north-south as most people believe.

Whitest iberians i've seen were from regions similiar to the one you just stated as well as basque country and catalonia.

Galicia certainly appeals to the celtic vibe because geographically wise it's extremelly similiar to the british isles except with warmer summers. Also the architecture with all the cold stone buildings and the great amount of hillfort ruins appeal to that...

Nevertheless, genetically, Galicia is the most mixed place in Iberia. You can see villages/places where the people are incredibly white and others where people look straight out of phoenicia.

Red = Mega subhumans

They did some DNA tests and found a connection between modern day Irish people and people from northern Iberia

t. bunch of savage farmers that were so uncivilized they didnt even have the roman word for "city" and used teh word for "village" for their cities

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That is true but many of those people went extinct or got mutt'd by romans, suebians, moors and jews

Those who still share that DNA would be the basques. Basques are a good example to see how people in Iberia looked like in the past before the invasions

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ville means both town and city
the only proper cities in gallia were far south, owned by the romans
this puts most of the parts north of the alps at a civilizational and technological disadvantage compared to the italic peninsula, the spanish peninsula...
thats why you see medieval cities being dirty as fuck in movies, it represents the european cities from outside those 2 peninsulas, that didnt have the sanitary conditions of more civilized areas with sewage systems thanks to roman influence

>ville means both town and city

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>L'hospitalet comes from latin
I allways thought that the name of the town was little hospital (next to) thr llobregat

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Thank you Greece.

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absolute state of mutts

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did the trees dissappear out of human activity from logging or out of natural processes? thats a lot of trees chopped down for such a small population in europe

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somewhere forests were burned to make space for fields
somewhere it was cut for wood to build ships

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cocaine route to europe through spain
its kinda sad to visit britain or ireland and see the almost absolute lack of forests, its like a sterile version of northern spain

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