Do you cheat on your wife? Your girlfriend?

Do you cheat on your wife? Your girlfriend?

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kara boga

I'm white. Cheated on my ex with at least a dozen women. Kinda feel bad, but not really.

another instance of women lying. there is just absolutely no chance their numbers are even close to being that low

Did she find out? How did she react?
Why'd you cheat in the first place?
Enlighten me, white boi

the memes are true


white " gentile " its incredible how asimilated the subservant status of whites is in anglo countries

She didn't find out. And I think the main reason I cheat and have cheated is because I was bullied growing up. I realize--now that I'm close to 30--that I was actually pretty good-looking after about 16, albeit in a sort of skinny, twink-ish way. I didn't recognize attention from women when I got it. But I had to endure being called ugly so much through my tweens and early teens that female validation became critical to my self-esteem. So being able to date and have sex with attractive women became a way to validate myself.

americans please take your arms and kill the snake once and for all

do it for your childrens and if you dont have one for your own fucking dignity

Can I PLEASE get a source on that chart? Preferably NIH

Oh, pretty insightful
Where're you now, user?
All the best

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I find cheating abhorrent and would never cheat on my gf/wife and expect the same standards of my gf/wife that they never cheat on me.

>your wife? Your girlfriend?

who do you think you are talking to

This graphic must be old af.
Today's women cheat even more than men.

>So being able to date and have sex with attractive women became a way to validate myself.
That's pretty much every men everywhere. Over here you are a failure if you don't fuck a hot woman at least a couple times. Its fucked up.

>white gentile men

I don’t think it’s old, It’s probably just wrong. Women irrationally lie in anonymous surveys and polls. I distinctly remember reading a study about this.

men outnumber women something like 3:1 on dating apps.
men are biologically built to have as many partners as they can while females focus on 1 due to only using a single egg at a time
more men are at bars
it is more socially acceptable for men to have tons of partners
t. ex r9k

They're not, more recent studies show women are just as likely to cheat, I wasn't divided by race but it's roughly 20% chance either way

cheated on my ex with two women, i felt bad but she's a cold hearted bitch so whatever

I have done in the past but wouldn't again, hopefully

Literally none of this is evidence that men cheat on women more than the reverse you moron. It’s just evidence that men just have to put themselves out there and expend more effort to actually get laid, while women have their pick of the litter.

Can't imagine being in a position of having a gf, let alone a wife, let alone being able to pursue any options to cheat on them with

Most people do too, similar psychology goes into it as rape but it's legal most places

Yeah. I've actually been to quite a few Latin American countries. It always surprises me that men in countries like Colombia and Guatemala actively encourage me to cheat on my GF. IIRC, even Uber drivers in Guatemala City were saying shit along the lines, "You have a girlfriend? Where is she? Not here. Okay, Amigo, lemme tell you, go to the clubs at [can't remember the name], they're really fucking sexy, and they'll love you for being foreign. It'll be Guatemala's secret, man."

No, I'm highly autistic around girls

the overwhelming majority of articles I read say that infidelity rates between men and women are generally equal or men cheat more.
an interesting thought i picked up- women cheat when some sort of emotional/other need is not met, men cheat opportunistically

Indeed, its a fucked up culture.

IDK how applicable or true it is, but one of my [female] Colombian friends told me that a lot of younger women there have started cheating just because they are sick of how often and regularly Colombian men cheat.

Tbh in some places here cuckolding is also rampant, so it's not like it's completely one sided

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Kinda this for me too, except I didn't really have sex with random women, I just flirted and had esex with egirls while having an irl gf. Like I had 2 girls calling me their bf at one point.
That and my ex was a really sweet girl and I was her only friend, but I was so bored of her and I felt bad dumping her and leaving her alone. Poor decision and I don't think I'd do it again, but I don't think it was 100% pure evil.
I just am kinda a beta and have just gotten shat on and been the butt of every joke that it feels empowering to have people attracted to me and to be in love with me, to feel that I'm not a total loser. That isn't a good enough to excuse to fuck over someone who loves and trusts you, but I understand kinda why I did it at least.

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Reminder that if you're a male cheating on your wife you're not being unfaithful, you're being fair.

19, almost 20.

>That and my ex was a really sweet girl and I was her only friend, but I was so bored of her and I felt bad dumping her and leaving her alone

I don't really feel like a loser now, but that's basically how I felt in my last relationship.

That's true also, revenge cheating is rampant, but the problem is, women here are known to be promiscuous, yet they always hide the number of partners, if they had 3-somes, etc. They take offense if you ask them and straight up lie to you.
So, it doesn't really matter if your gf wont cheat you if you don't cheat her first when she already fucked half of your neighbourhood and friends.

I cheated on my girlfriend with one of my best friends and now i have no one and I'm afraid to fall in love. Cheat responsibly.

Kek. When I went to Mexico for the first time, I spent a few weeks staying with a French-Canadian friend who was taking Spanish courses at UNAM. He'd been dating a Mexican girl who was apparently very good in bed but otherwise seemed very sweet and innocent. Apparently, after they'd been out for a few months, she started telling him about how she had group sex with three or four of her male roommates at the last place she'd lived.

He was so freaked out by it he cut her out immediately, kek

Do you have any advice for how I can lose my virginity and be more confident around women?

I'm 23
I don't think I'm bad looking