Seriously, it's not funny anymore. All the Australian and Canada flags are making pro-chinese posts and I don't know if it's some kind of inside joke where they're purposefully larping or if they're serious.
Seriously, it's not funny anymore...
It's the Chinese century lad, get onboard or get left behind with the american pig dogs
the people posting pro chinese stuff behind those flags are second generation asian immigrants, same goes for Americlaps posting pro chink shit too
I like the Australian who always tells me to go home.
They're dead serious
I mean, who wouldn't post serious for some extra bucks out of some Yas Forums shitpost?
Australia and Canada are both over 50% Han Chinese
thats the reality of a multiracial country
shut pig 90% of the plagues have been spread by chinks eating shit or africans raping animals
>extra bucks out of some Yas Forums shitpost?
Where can I sign up?
This honestly pissed me off a while back. Then I realized that it was probably a meme and felt duped.
it is an easy method of getting (You)s. It'll be 90% low tier replies like "t. Zhang" but every now and then you'll get an American actually trying to debate you
I don't do this btw just my observations
Pretty sure most of the Auschink shills are legit lol
No it is not a joke i am pro PRC and am a White Canadian man
This anti-China stuff is not being stirred up for any good reason. It's just because China is becoming developed enough that there are cheaper manufacturing options elsewhere.
Also the Chinese people seem to be a little more (((aware))) than certain interests would like them to be.
So now they are permitting some anti-China stuff to faciliate Pajeet being the next one to make our cheap plastic crap.
None of it is ever going to result in Chinese people being forbidden from buying our houses, our land, our industries, our uni placements.
dece numbers, m8
Why would you bother shilling on a website where noone will take you seriously, ever?
I just checked, 30% of your population is foreign born. 6% of Australian are either second or first generation chinese.
We warned you about the yellow peril, but you wouldn't listen
Are whites afraid of a little bit of scale balancing? Come on.
it’s unironic posting like 80% of the time, so when it doubt you should just assume it’s sincere shilling. You have to be an anglospherian to understand when it’s a joke post.
You actually made a thread over this LMAO. Seethe you little pussy.
What are you talking about?
Because there are people retarded enough on website to unironically shill just about anything with a straight face.To assume people wont shill because they know no one here will take them seriously, is a huge amount of credit to the smoothbrains that inhabit this cesspool
thanks for trying at least, bros
china pays their incels to post on literally every single social media platform everyday, why do you think they would skip Yas Forums?
This. I feel like the leafs are shitposting most of the time, but the Aussies are more often the not legit shilling.
>that image
Wut? this was never covered in holocaust class.
Why do they use Aussie and Leaf proxies so frequently?
Yeah you're probably right, fuck i wish we could slaughter them all
It's the chinese century. Only americans are still larping as anglo
your point?
>Seriously, it's not funny anymore
i beg to differ