France has a province called Provence

>France has a province called Provence

Attached: whiteface wojak.png (645x773, 11.04K)

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I named my dog dog


You're a 70 iq nigger monkey so its actually pretty impressive you could read.

It's pronounced like "pruh-vaunts"

Not since 200 years user

tfw no lorraine gf

>United americans states are named united states of america
You are not very different burgerman

Attached: 1553686587934.jpg (657x527, 36.14K)

That was uncalled for.

>North land
>West man land
>South man land
>The Valleys
>Little lands

>Way North
>The Bay
>The inlands
>West land
>North land

Please kill us.

>Mexico has a state called State of Mexico

Those names are based desu.


>Why yes, I live in Mexico City, in the state of Mexico in the Republic of Mexico

I like our province names. I think they're pretty neat

Attached: 1200px-Regions_of_Finland_labelled_FI.svg.png (1200x2002, 532.37K)

Israel has a province named USA

>German humor



Kys faggot, Brazilians are friends.

>France has a province called Provence

And its the most beautiful part of europe.


You forgot Svalbard

I thought you hated Mediterraneans. No it's just the germanic scums. Since a lot of you suck Hitler and Germany on Yas Forums, we tend to believe you think the same.

I always name my pets like that, lil dog, white cat, new cat, new new cat, etc

Modern folk etymology derives the name Brunei from a Malay exclamation Barunah! ("There!")
Shrimp", from the singular French Cameroun derived from the German Kamerun, from the anglicized "Cameroons" derived from the Portuguese Rio de Camarões[152] ("Shrimp River")
Lake", from Lake Chad in the country's southwest, whose name derives from the Kanuri tsade ("lake").
Therefore, Lake Chad literally means Lake Lake
From Madageiscar, a corruption of Mogadishu popularized by Marco Polo.
South" or "Southern" in Samoan, in reference to their position relative to Samoa. Literally a country named 'South'

>New South Wales

Attached: images (11).jpg (340x243, 20.22K)

>The US has a state called Washington and its national capital is Washington as well.
>The state of New York has a city called New York. Its state capital however, is Albany.
>The state of New Jersey has a city named Jersey City.
>Two major cities called Portland.

You have to go back.

>There is a country called Yemen and it has a neighbor that isn't called Noman, but is called Oman instead

FACT: you are cute

Mexico's official name is United States of Mexico

>irish hating meds
The only ones who do are an ostracized micro-minority in ireland.