Who had bigger influence on them, Russians or Iranians?

Who had bigger influence on them, Russians or Iranians?

Attached: Central-Asia.jpg (1600x1250, 1.18M)

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Tajiks are literally Iranians so this is a stupid question

Arabs, they are influenced by Islam, which is Arab culture

they were literally soviet states until a few years ago

that would explain their usage of cyrillic

Thats a stupid question; is it meant to be rhetorical? Do we even have a clue?

islam is descendant of info european paganism. all religion is the same except christianity.

*Semitic paganism, just like Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism and Rastafarianism

>all religion is the same except christianity
do americans really?

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Last country to leave the Soviet Union after being told to leave

wow were they so kind? why are they depicted as baddies?


>every set of beliefs is wrong except mine, mine is perfect and has no flaws


Attached: brainlet wojak.jpg (900x900, 82.59K)

>Who had bigger influence on them, Russians or Iranians?
According to the Turks on Yas Forums it is the Turks.

yes ancient Turkics had great influence on modern day Turkics.


that would be because Central Asians generally are Turks

I would say 50:50

>According to the Turks on Yas Forums
lmao this ammount of butthurt

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They unironically looks Japanese.



stop confusing "Iran" with "Turan".

Turan was the Iranic name for Central Asia. It was inhabited by sedentary and nomadic Iranic speaking populations but they had few relationship to Iran other than language

Stop confusing "Turk" with "Anatolian".

Turks are Mongoloid people living in Central Asia, you, you are Anatolians.

Not an argument. Also go back to Armenia

Why do you betray My Sun when all his men and ships are stationed in the land of Ugarit?

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Turks are just Iranians in denial

pure Hittites are greek speaking Anatolians and Cypriots. We're rather a mix between Turkmens and Anatolians.
We pretty much eradicated the greek scum in Anatolia. I think the Hittites are pleased.

can somebody eli5 the difference between turks and mongols?

Culturally, Iran. But more like Persian culture of which they were a vital part.
Politically, economically – Russia.
Socially – a mix between two.

turks closer to wh*tes
mongols closer to chinks
i wish i was %100 mongol