How do we fix España?

How do we fix España?

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iberian union 2.0

The US has contaminated every country, we should fix the US first

based ngl

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bring back the republic

Republic was trash, anarcho-syndicalism would've been super interesting if they won

cnt fai had no chance of winning and even if they somehow did, they would be crushed either by a foreign power or by their own retardation

one can dream

What's there to fix?

By letting Andorra annex you

abolish the monarchy


Give it to the moros

Creating a new autonomous region for Barcelona would be a good start

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We can't, the only option is to let commies destry everything and start building the new country without them.

Make it a confederation so all autonomous regions will finally shut the fuck up about muh self governance.

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any kind of anarchism based on the labor-theory of value would have actually evolved into authoritarianism, im 100% sure of that
besides having a shit economy since its based on economic theory that doesnt work
why confederation and not just federation?

>He knows
>Start the invasion

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Make Mexico a capital city.

We need something that unites us. Coronavirus is a chance, but the politicians aren't seizing the oportunity to make things right, they're still playing that power game where no one wins and everyone becomes more resentful against those who don't vote the same.

By moving the capital to Cordoba and establishing a new Caliphate.
The reconquista was a mistake.

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Islam shall unites us brother, catalonians and basques won't seethe about the language because we'll all be speaking arabic.

We just need to remove the special snowflakeism from the regional education system and educate them in fraternity among regions. They already have that, only confined within their own regions. People from Barcelona wouldn't think some old fuck from the rural area in Lérida is leeching off him, but they do think that about people from Extremadura, for example, even though it really is the same fucking thing.

There will be no leeching under the new caliphate, only pious men performing zakat.
We will all be united in one ummah.

Dude, stop being retarded and look how the taifa world was. I was today's bullshit at full power. They even died before uniting under a cause.

Felipe VI will become caliph, he will unite everyone under islam.
People will stop complaining when we behead them for insulting the caliph.

Why not make this question in the /esp/ thread?

portuguese cringe

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this user gets it