Why do girls love shooters so much? pic related Norwegian and Russian shooter who blew up on social media with girls

Why do girls love shooters so much? pic related Norwegian and Russian shooter who blew up on social media with girls.

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>Why do mentally ill girls like shooters
more news at 11

If girl shooters were more common then guys would be cooming to them all the time

i remember when that happened. that russian guy was trying so hard to be like eric and ended up being forgotten 2 weeks later even though he killed more people.

>after ton of incel shooters, one appear cute and girl like it, incels: "girls actually love us!"

Girls being into serial killers and shooters isn't some new development. Bundy had major thots

lol imagine throwing your entire life away in isolation all because you want your manifesto full of memes to be praised on a Moroccan rug sewing fourm

Its really just because those guys are white. I'm Syrian and I got 3 sisters and all of them have only dated Swedish guys. It feels horrible, I even overheard my sisters talking about how ugly I was once.



Do you want them to think you're hot or something

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Post hand.

Finding someone aesthetically pleasing doesn't necessarily mean that they would have sex with them.
So yeah expecting your relatives to not talk shit about your looks is normal.

>Killed his chink step sister
>No fatalities in mosque shooting

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Bundy is handsome too not like modern incel

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ER has fangirls and he wasn't white, so

Girls here are still obsessed with the columbine shooter

Imagine being double penetrated by them both haha

The cringiest part is that he was BTFO'd by a 70 years old guy. Pathetic

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He's clearly a closeted fag btw

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This. Pic totally related.

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Why the fuck should I pledge allegiance to le white race? They think they're the shit but are nothing but pathetic beggars or rats. There's never an inbetween or balance. It's all about them and it shows


Swedecuck now imagines himself as an arab

Every one I met was an absorbed autist or psychopath

nice b8 Svenson


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dam he got his shit kicked it pretty good.

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Syrians are white

Nice larp Sven
Post hand

Ted Bundy had a ton of girls sending him love letters...which, okay, it was Ted Bundy, handsome serial killer. But even Jeffrey Dahmer, not only a complete ass looking serial killer, but also a homossexual, pedophile and a weirdo; still got love letters!
There is also that Japanese guy who killed and cannibalized a chick in Germany many decades ago, and when he was released and went back to Japan, he suddenly became sorta of a celebrity, like he was a deep artist or something...
people are weird.

I remember this guy.

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Jeffrey Dahmer is pretty handsome too
Its all about looks

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