R*ssian incels killed this sex symbol 112 years ago

>R*ssian incels killed this sex symbol 112 years ago

This man had no right being this handsome

Attached: nicky.jpg (332x443, 36.01K)


>R*ssian incels killed this sex symbol 112 years ago

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Attached: YY.png (1280x896, 1.28M)

That family was of g*rman origin.

That explains a lot. The real disgusting r*skies usually have buzzcuts or are bald.

He would be a e-boy nowadays

>usually have buzzcuts or are bald.
They have buzzcuts cause they are going bald*
t.Balding russian

Wasn't he a cuck and Rasputin fucked his wife?

His ministers who hated Rasputin invented this lie. In reality, he and his wife loved each other very much as seen in their love letters

weren't the king, kaiser and czar all first cousins?

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I miss him so much

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He's no stalin

Why anglos didn't help him if you liked him so much?

weirdly enough, i'm a republican despite being a bong. But there's something tragic in the Romanovs that I've always felt, maybe it's because they all look really good or the fact that I find communism super cringe. Idk what it is.

>tfw you will never make love with prime Nicky

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haha, finno-ugric faggots wear long hair like women

only baltid subhumans wear buzzcuts
i'm sorry but people you pretend to be Russians are literally the same as you

They were more anglo than russian. For that reason alone I would shoot them all to death myself. In fact I'd do it with a knife.

True :*(
Russia was actually European through 1864 - 1914.
Maybe some day...

At least they have hair.


Stalin was a better and more handsome leader, fuck Kulaks and fuck liberals

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Balding is a sign of having high t... By this logic you're a low t sissy crossdresser

*yawns loudly*

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'mirin those Georgian genetics?

cope, baldhead

>Joseph Stalin height is 163 cm (5 ft 4.17 in).

He's an ex priest who robs banks and kills his enemies, if that's not sexy I don't know what is

Where you at doe? Kek

All of the soyboy pictures I see posted on here, including the Wojak ones are usually balding in some way so I doubt that testosterone argument. Also why am I feminine for having longer hair? Historically speaking the more savage masculine men in Europe usually had longer hair, like Germanics and others who encountered groups of short haired men like the Romans.

Pic next to Truman(172cm)

Attached: Stalin Truman.jpg (960x765, 81.54K)

he's not a priest he was just studying in church school

I could destroy any long-haired sissy here
KEK, do randoms ever come up to you and ask if you're gay?
Unless you have a beard, having long hair is extremely feminine, yes.

Attached: ya.jpg (300x300, 19.29K)

which was the norm back in the day