Why is this a bad idea? I'd rather avoid becoming China and India's cumdumpster

Why is this a bad idea? I'd rather avoid becoming China and India's cumdumpster

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It's not a bad idea, the problem is that rural and suburban retards don't want it (so you have to drag them kicking and screaming) and thus they elect more populist retards making it even harder to get anything done.

Nobody wants to be in a united union with medshits

>Why is this a bad idea?

The countries of Europe are very different from each other culturally, economically and politically, and therefore their citizens want and expect different things from their governments. It is impossible to draft a single federal immigration policy that pleases both Hungary and Belgium, a single federal taxation policy that pleases both Sweden and the United Kingdom, or a single foreign policy that pleases both Greece and Austria. There are two outcomes: either federal policy consists entirely of half-assed measures that do nothing, pleasing no one, or else federal policy consists of measures that please one region of Europe and are destructive to and hated by everywhere else.

also, Poortugal is too third world for it work lmao gottem

>lets become a neoliberal superstate with policies dictated by corporations and "culture" borrowed from america
surely this is the only way to resist china

Sounds good just remove serbia, albania and moldova.

Neoliberalism is based and redpilled

In theory it isnt but in reality it is not achievable due to so many differences in interests which is a shame.

Unironically I've never heard constructive criticism why it wouldn't work
on this board 99% of the seething at the EU is either outsiders or greeks/italians using it as a scapegoat for their shortcomings

Neoliberalism is good an America has culture so I'm not seeing the problem here.

It isn't. The only one who fears a strong EVROPA are the US who want to keep it as a subservient puppet region and retarded nationalists who still think it's the 19th century

>Why is this a bad idea?
Because you look nothing like Germans, and would be better part of an arab union.

We couldn't do it without slipping into decay, and WE assimilated all of our ethnic groups. What makes you think you will be able to do it with all these groups with centuries of hostilities and animonisty. As if the whole coronavirus has not shown you how quickly people care about their own first. The only thing you will accomplish is destroying identities, creating some pan-ethnic cultureless mutt race.

>Why is this a bad idea?
You can't turn 27 countries into one country and expect no problems.

>I'd rather avoid becoming China and India's cumdumpster
Google Piraeus and understand that the EU is full of backdoors for China and other powers. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the EU has a lot of weak links.

>The only one who fears a strong EVROPA
A strong LEFTIST dictatorship where traditionalists and ethnic self determination is violently cracked down on.

This would create more centralization than we have already, just look at the US

>Ethnic self-determination means the ability of groups to separate and go their own way without interference from others or the imposition of a one-size-fits-all standard to multiple groups. Each group chooses what it finds important and permissible, and shapes itself accordingly.

I vehemently oppose anything that desires to destroy the right for my ethnic self determination, and forcing me to be part of another group that I do not desire to be apart of.

Yikes. We dont hate muslims abdulah

>A strong LEFTIST dictatorship where traditionalists and ethnic self determination is violently cracked down on.
What are you talking about? The EU is neither right nor left you retard its parliament is as every other national parliament consistent of parties ranging from across the entire political spectrum.

Different European peoples differ in ability, Germans are just superior which is why everyone seethes at them and backstabs them. Look at Italy guzzling down Chinese cum to spite Germany.

>You can't turn 27 countries into one country and expect no problems.
We have way more in common than different. India and China have vast differences within their borders but still identify as Indian and Chinese. Does nobody in the EU identify as European? We're Christendom we need to be united or we will be colonized
>A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the EU has a lot of weak links
We will strengthen the links then

>Why is this a bad idea?
>Neoliberalism is based and redpilled

Have a pleasant evening.

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it's shit, we are not the same.

>What are you talking about? The EU is neither right nor left you retard its parliament is as every other national parliament consistent of parties ranging from across the entire political spectrum.
The EU is founded on cracking down the right of European peoples to their right to exist as distinct people and cultures and their right to their peoples self determination.

why does everyone seem to think a united europe must necessarily end in a dystopean corporate neo-liberal dictatorship? What most pro-europeans want is just a europe wide social democracy that is able to stand up for the rights of europeans compared to global powers and corporations.

>What most pro-europeans want is just a europe wide social democracy that is able to stand up for the rights of europeans compared to global powers and corporations.
The EU is not conservative and opposes conservative goals and supports immigration and everything associated to the LEFT.

>We have way more in common than different.

Brutally united by the British, and even then it's unraveling at the seams with Pakistan and Bangladesh leaving as well as tensions with the Tamils. Hell, because of this it even failed to enforce Hindi as a national language. Its most spoken language... spoken by 40% of the population.

...you're seriously going to use China as an example of peaceful cooperation? Fucking China? The same China that's actively colonizing Tibet, treating the religion of the Uighurs as a mental illness, brutally persecuting the Falun Gong and outright falsifying its own history with nobody to tell them otherwise because it's a One Party State with no freedom of speech?

>We will strengthen the links then
And how exactly? Do you think the Portuguese would be happy with Brussels taking over the entire management of the Portuguese economy because its own people have allowed it to grow weak? That would mean the end of Portugal as a sovereign country and the Portuguese as a free people. But hey, you're praising China so you'd probably be fine with that.

Again, please stop suggesting that neoliberalism is bad. It is not. It is good. I am sick of hearing Yas Forums users repeat this idiocy. Oh no, muh corporations are being all corporationy and coordinate with government, how terrible.

because they only know american version from their basement

It is a good idea, in theory. With a neoliberal economic system underlying it, though? No, it is a terrible idea then

Why cant you Euros ever look at our history when you bring this shit up?

Because it what's it is

Deepens on if you want a centralised organization or a decentralised organization, if you chose the first one you sure will fail, if you chose the second one you'll have several problems a use the interest are very different


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fuck off we are second to leave after brits

>why does everyone seem to think a united europe must necessarily end in a dystopean corporate neo-liberal dictatorship?
Because that's more or less what we have now and there's no conceivable reason to think things will somehow change for the better