>tfw have learn to code but I'm so tired after working in the yard for a whole day
Tfw have learn to code but I'm so tired after working in the yard for a whole day
im the opposite, sit inside on the computer all day drawing in solidworks and writing code
in the afternoons now that its summer i like to either work in my garden, lift weights, or ride my bike in the woods
Ok, now learn proper English.
Learn right now.
only niggers like you really care about that
>he fell for the learn to code meme
I'm a software developer and I can tell you: do anything else
What is your occupation exactly mate? Generally, how does your resume look like?
>What is your occupation exactly mate?
C++ code monkey
I fix bugs all day every day
fuck my life
I find coding so incredibly tiresome and boring ... it's really depressing that I have to know it to get a good job
It's well-paid and the demand will only increase over time
I actually have cybersec """degree""" but no one hires me because I got no experience so have to learn at least this
C++ is a lovely language. Im sure you are well experienced enough to move to the another organisation with better job. Dunno, you may make some cool low-level efficient stuff :)
*blocks your path (to a job)*
Sorry, first world programmers.
>tfw studied economics
>tfw most of my friends did CS
>i breezed to my degree and graduated cum laude
>my friends worked their ass of to pass with average grades
>tfw i earn as much as them now
they had to spent their student years in 99% male classes working hard, i spent my student years in 50% women classes taking sneak pics of their feet and playing vidya
who's the winner now
They when your job will be automated in 10 years
damn you northerners with your shit together
by that time i will already have risen thru the ranks and be unreplaceable
while the code monkeys will still be code monkeys
>economics degree
>has a job
literally how
what is your position
Protip: do it in the morning before work.
You learn better that way.
Just pay third worlders to learn on your behalf
Same. I studied math to not end up a code monkey.
Guess what. I'm about to become a code monkey.
At least I hope to be doing math stuff.
Economics or Econometrics?
What's wrong with being a code monkey if the pay is good
I am a third worlder
i did a master degree in accounting tbqh so i work for the audit practice of a big four company
econ bachelor, accounting master
what happened to muh 300k starting top position LMAO
t. mech engineering chad
>taking sci memes seriously
sci convinced me the earth is a trapezoid
We still make more than run of the mill programming people, because we have math skills.
For the 300k, you have to be a quant during good years.
Quants make less during bad years.
so you literally lied to us
ok pal
In Yurop, almost everyone does masters so he didn't really lie.
I'm assuming his friends remained bachelors in CS
>What's wrong with being a code monkey if the pay is good
nothing, ignore tutorialfags
you assumed incorrectly my dude