Carribean BVLLS

Leicester, england

South Asian population 31.85%

Black African population 3.45%

Black Carribean population 1.45%

Mixed race population
White/ African 0.35%
White/ south Asian 1.03%
White/ Carribean 1.42%

What the fuck bros, can anyone stop the jamican BVLL

Attached: Jamaican man.jpg (312x400, 20.3K)

Repeat thread from yesterday. I won’t be partaking lads

Birmingham, UK

South Asian population 26.62%

Black Carribean population 4.44%

Mixed race population
White/Carribean 2.30%
White/south Asian 1.04%

Attached: download (2).jpg (300x168, 12.67K)

London, UK

South Asian population 18%
Black African population 7%
Black Carribean population 4.2%

Mixed race
White/African 0.6%
White/south Asian 1.2%
White/ Carribean 1.6%

Attached: 18681246_303.jpg (700x394, 64.37K)

Everyone knew that Brits are cucks and their women began to be impregnated by juicy big piece of black meat dear leaf

In the Netherlands like 50% of Caribbeans ends up with a Dutch partner vs 5% of Turks

>juicy big piece of black meat
That's a vivid description

Wow, you mean that colonial subjects with english as their native language fit in more into the society of the country the immigrate to than people who are completely foreign in every single sense of the word? who'd have though

What's the stats for curryniggers

0% end up with a partner because they're all incels.

south asians are actully the demogrpahic who marry's outisde their ethnic gorup the least here

If you mean Hindustani Surinamese, they're severely overrepresented.

Has it something to do with loyalty of the partners? What I gather from your north American culture is your women like to fuck around a lot

oh yeah it;s the same thing for us. Except instead of indo-sunriame it's indo- trinadad and indo-guyanese

>>White/south Asian 1.2%

Judging from my grammar school mates, this was all white man with lighty indian wife, Charlie Brooker style. 9/10 it was a 2nd wife/2nd husband affair.

it has more to do with parents not apporving of there childern marrying someone outisde of thier etnic gorup. Middle eastern's and south asians are like this. Whereas whites, latin americans, asians and blacks don't really care

We don't have stats for them

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In fact I can't think of a single indian man/white woman relationship. If an indian guy is top tier, he gets a top tier indian girl. Although my Indian mate did hook up with a Malaysian girl.

I wanna see more rare combos though

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indian guys with east asian girls is actully somehwat common here

This is another incel thread and OP is among the incels...

East asian girls usually look for someone that can hold a steady well paid job so I can see that.

yeah that's usaully the number one concern of their parents here ( chinese ones particular). Is if the guy trying to date their daughter is well educated or has good job prospects

i guess it's mostly Muslim Indians and Pakistanis getting the white women cuz they act way too different from Hindus.

Pakistanis have the lowest inter-ethnic marriage rate out of all minorities. The pakis getting the white women mostly get them through rape.

Attached: figure3_tcm77-369554.png (655x607, 25.06K)

from all the Yas Forums seething about Pakis and migrants in UK u get a different picture than what is on the ground

Here is another graph taken from the Office of National Statistics website, data if from the 2011 census

Attached: figure2_tcm77-369553.png (655x606, 25.38K)

I've seen a lot of Polish women with Paki guys for some reason.

Attached: 69186609_2476530339089999_5823061551191425024_n.jpg (750x750, 70.34K)

Doesn't really matter when you guys are all incel?

Attached: haha!.jpg (159x250, 6.37K)

I like how this data exactly correlates with real life here at least.
Especially seeing how 90% of mixed race people end up dating interracial (in most cases: white) is very noticable. I wouldn't know a single mixed race person not dating white

I personally live in a pretty white area, I've seen this meme about Eastern Euro girls being coalburners but am still not convinced it is a real thing or a cope from native men in an attempt to deflect away from pakis taking white women (which is still rare, at least consensually)

The muzzies are the least fucking likely. They'd rather grab a cousin.
I've seen Polish women with almost every race the ones that are immigrants really don't seem to give a shit. But still, pakistani and polish is new to me.

"Data." What are you a geek? You guys outed yourself as incels.

>posting on Yas Forums
>calling others incel
a real chad can't even operate reddit let alone Yas Forums. hell even most normalfags i know IRL don't know what reddit let alone Yas Forums is

Sorry to shatter your worldview but as a matter of fact I have had sexual intercourse with a female who claimed to have enjoyed it.

kek i was once caught browsing reddit (which is a normie site) by my friend and he called me a virgin freak

Pretty sure only people from either Yas Forums or Reddit know what a Reddit is. At least Yas Forums is known for the schoolshootings

I can't comment on the Uk because I don't live there.

But white guys with asian girls
Black guys with white girls
are really the only true mixed race couples that are actully very common. Everything else is sort of memes and one off. I never see paki/white couples here ever

absolute state of chinks

It's pretty funny that both times OP made this thread Brit cucks start talking about how Polish women fuck Pakis or whatever as if that actually deflected anything instead of making your whole shitty white race look even more cucked

I still don't see why this is such a touchy subject in the first place. I would say in the last few years relationships have gotten more diverse here (specifically dating a Turk/Moroccan is no longer a mortal sin) but it's obvious to everyone that the most common couples are always WMAF and BMWF.

If the white men are dating Asian women and the white women are dating black men then where are all the Asian men and black women couples?