
William Ulsterman edition

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first for wales

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The Ting Tings used to be the biggest fucking thing. Mental how the world was 10 years ago.

Do youths in Britain really have sex in their teens? I didn't have sex until I was 18.

mental how the biggest thing cromwell did was let the jews back in


assuming i'm the average we don't have sex until well into our 20s

not i

wish mugabe succeeded

The country?

made a post in the previous thread about how terrible historians are. tenth page is going off about how feminism should have been more important in ancient Athens

Average person has sex between 13 and 15


havent even kissed a girl yet alone have penetrative sex

25 in 6 months lads haha wahey

wish your mum's implant succeeded



yeah, sex and that

got kissed when i was 3. am i still a virgin freak?

the mrs is making cauliflower soup for lunch
it's really come to this

whats stopping u la

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Sucking a dick

virgin freaks over the age of 18 need publicly ousted from their hovels and put down via strong amphetamines

have you ejaculated in a woman's minge during unprotected intercourse since?

Do boomers really?

Same but only 21. Have you ever tried?

mate i work with a dude who's 33 and the generation gap is prominent, his stock material for jokes is like borat movies and anchorman and shit haha

Lappy on the way out (suspect a bus voltage problem)
Might be traipsing the 50 kilometres to get a "new" refurb

just bought a yank uni email for £1.50 and got ms office for free

saved £80

Quite mental how BBB [0] are Muges [1] was

[0] Based Beyond Belief
[1] Mugabe

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Shit unhealthy society. It's why there are so many single parent state dependent things

how do I find my prostate? i know its in there somewhere because that's what the science men say but cant find it

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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At one point in recent history this was the most popular song of all time.

>trying to attract a femoid
lmao, what kind of IDIOT would willingly talk to a femoid, let alone try to be made ones slave?

let's not do that sweetie

still not funny

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Forget he carked it

just had a perplexing poo

whats with zoomers not knowing how to obtain software/media for free?

imagine being proud of this

ha ha

Good gimmick.

Is fooly cooly an example of patrician tier anime?

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have a cosplay gf

will kill myself when she eventually leaves me

socialising is so tedious, can't understand why femoids are obsessed with it

its an example of how patrician anime is still bad

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Enrol in a medical degree and eventually you'll do rectal palpations


fucks sake australia is doing so well re the quarantine that I might actually have to go back to uni in person before the end of the semester
why can't we be incompetent failures like the rest of the world lads

Was fucking shit, don't get the obsession with it


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wtf i love genocidal dictators now!


closest i had was when my gf dressed up as a maid
only did it once even though I said I loved it

For me it's


In these extraordinary times, the Guardian’s editorial independence has never been more important. Because no one sets our agenda, or edits our editor, we can keep delivering quality, trustworthy, fact-checked journalism each and every day. Free from commercial or political bias, we can report fearlessly on world events and challenge those in power.

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Sucking a cool and refreshing glass of pepsi cola


die white man

hold the guardian in more contempt than any other paper

why are those plane crash recreations on youtube so enthralling?

Is that Dave or just someone using one of Dave's wojaks?

Asian pivot innit

amazing how literally everything they said here is a lie

Swedes were prioritising new Swedish over their own elderly from the start of this shitshow. We can't outdo their fatalism yet

sinners the lot of them

Not possible anymore, used to do it but now it’s quite difficult with their office 365 subscription bullshite, everything i’ve tried has been loaded with malware

Toilstein wants me in the office tomorrow, and possibly one a day week from now on

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dog spelled backwards is god

dave here, its me


itching for a hatting




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give it a rest dave its still morning fs

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>implying hitler wont return

rorke's gonna blow a gasket

hope you're an essential worker

Mental how hard rorke seeths at the guardian, widely considered the only good newspaper from the UK

the guardian is run by an offshore trust that doens't pay taxes

sex is like money in that it doesn't make you happy but not having it makes problems, when you don't have it it's all you can think about but if you have enough to get by it's not really on your mind

so is this going to keep you healthy then?

there's a lot more to dislike than their braindead opinion articles

wish i was bent so i didn’t have to deal with f*moids

Dave's not here, man

That would be the FT you brainlet

what is this
what does it do
do i need a prescription for it

top kek brah

Missus knows I'm on a diet but she's gone and purhcased a Belgian Bun 2 pack.

>widely considered the only good newspaper from the UK
>free from political bias

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only finance Jews and wannabe finance Jews care about that

What of his other ball?

I only read Guardian Australia for the vegan recipes from the Observer

get rock hard when a british woman says rubbish

think they only seethe at guardian columnists, and rightly so tbf

mental how a bushel of bananas and some forest berries would leave you healthier and more energetic than even the finest pharmacrapicals

rorke banging on about jews again

its medicine
it makes you healthy

If I were to tell you that I have BPD, what would you think? Would you judge me?

depression looming
social anxiety looming
panic attacks looming
this might be the end for me

Purple Fanta

with every type of porn out there, I can't imagine why anyone would even need to talk to a femoid


bottle n phenergan are the active ingredients in "lean", neither require a prescription and i got em off the internet
the grinder full of fake xanax is off the dark web

my ancestor :)

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close mate of mine has bpd

>five instayous from seething rorkes

i ent tryna get healthy nigga im tryna get faded

Suspect Kanye would not be a shit president because two days in he would realise shit was real life and he would take it deadly seriously

What feeble thoughts do you have to express from your mind today then

>social anxiety
>panic attacks

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atheist niggas be like "yo grandpappy wats up"

>I was just pretending to be retarded
ah yes, leftypol

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Lockdown till June confirmed, another month of this

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Where is the chocolate coffee?

black penis desire? i wont lie thats a tad gay


I legit think less of white people that listen to rap music.

>kill eet

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mad this formatting, clickbait youtube titles, is how people consume news now
fucking hell used to know so many gimps whod be intrigued at this


>barlow lens arrived
>polar aligned the mount
>collimated the reflector
why does god hate me so


how can you not?

How will rorke reconcile brexit with becoming an American vassal?


same but for white people who dont

had ENOUGH now


I'm back from dinner

you're a woman

why would i care what you think
ive had sex

itll literally only end once people stop complying