Be me

>be me
>african american
>somewhat of an unironic black nationalist as well
>mfw both of my retard sisters are dating white men
why the fuck does it have to be like this? the moment even a somewhat attractive black person is single they start dating whites.
you guys complain about how white people are dying off but in reality our numbers are dying faster than any other groups

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"Black" isn't a nationality user

it’s just as much of a nationality as “white” is but you don’t see white nationalists correcting themselves

Tell them to date mexican mestizos, is better than to be soiled by with*ids

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White isn't a nationality either

Your time is up blackie, your women belong to big latino cock

"natinonalism" about the nation, not nationality. The two are not at all synonymous.

>black nationalism
how is this a thing? is there literally any arguement for this other than your penis size? Imean obviously this is bait, but i want to know anyways

>our numbers are dying faster than any other groups

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>nigger nationalist
>not posting with an African flag
Top kek you silly nigger

You don't get, white nationalism and black nationalism are a real thing, in the sense that people do believe that shit.
As they want a country of only whypippo or blakpippo

Sorry I don't understand, you're american and those white guys are americans too right? So what's the problem?

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Why the fuck do you care about this shit, you're as dumb as white nationalists. Organisms evolve and humans will probably turn into somethinh fucked up, just give it a few million years

not bait actually but
i genuinely believe that africa was far better before whites forced us to become their slaves. i think all people ought to stay in the homelands because their ancestors evolved to live in those places
europe for europeans
americas for the natives
africa for africans
asia for jomon

The freckled, lily-white simian paw-hands of a caucasoid beast hammered out this post.

White nationalists and black nationalists are both Americans inventions. No one in Europe sees himself as "white" just as no sub-Saharan African sees himself as just "black".

>american identity beliefs

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Black american population has been 10-13% for a hundred years now while white percetnage has dropped from 90 to 49%

funny you say that, i was born in sudan lol
but try harder

So you're a sudanese nationalist or an american nationalist?

>born in sudan
>In America anyway
At least you tried

wait, are you black?

no, i am a black nationalist. meaning, all african diaspora in the americas and europe ought to have our own nation
yes, that’s how immigration works mein freund

you retards hadnt even invented the wheel yet, how is this an arguement for black superiority

the wheel existed in the horn of africa for thousands of years lol

He hasn't made any claims to black superiority.

Is that a common view in Sudan as well?
Normal people care about themselves, not about weird constructs of race. Especially in countries which are tribalist to the bone.

U mad bl*ck boi?

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depends where you’re from. my grandfather thought that black diaspora should come back to africa and help build our nations up because of them having more money and better education but i probably won’t be able to go back for a few years
most people aren’t tribalist though. you’re either muslim or anti muslim in sudan. theres also ethnic groups who dislike one another but that’s more of a regional thing, a lesser version of that might be like how californians hate alabamans

>all african diaspora in the americas and europe ought to have our own nation
You do, it's called Liberia. Read a history book sometime

i know what liberia is lol
but to imply that that nation was ready to be built at that point is laughable. they sent slaves back with no education and only a menial amount of money. had liberia been founded today, by diaspora from both european and american countries, it would be far better.

Why are you lying on 4chinz?

>implying south sudan is the same as sudan
you whitoids are funny

Then what you wrote makes even less sense, as 97% of Sudan is muslim. So to imply that there is a significant "anti muslim" faction in Sudan is clearly just you LARPing.

Then go to Liberia and improve it? Or do you just want to take a piece of America with all it's infrastructure, wealth and political weight?
>imply that that nation was ready to be built at that point is laughable
Colonists to the Americas were so lacking in supplies they ate their own shoes
i think you have some reading to do

What the fuck are you talking about? Worldwide black populations are booming while white populations are declining. A few interracial marriages aren’t going to destroy blacks.

Then fucking go to Liberia retard

Your granddad was goddamn right with that. But hey, better realizing it later than not at all.
Comparing Africans to each other like Alabamans and Californians is a brave step tho. They mostly don't even speak the same language. But what makes you think pan-Africanism is the way to go when literally all pan-movements failed?

you are sudanese, what do you have in common with the jungle gorillas from that have been shipped to america? serious question

i dont want to go to liberia. i want to go to MY homeland and improve it. liberia is not my home country
black purity dies when we mix with whites. so do your own people. i do not want to see any countries become like brazil. and i do not believe that mixed race people are somewhat subhuman or whatever, but i think they lose their full identity when they are mixed with others. worldwide black populations are NOT booming, only those in africa. in the states, it is stagnant and it soon will be across europe as well.

Except that civil war you're talking was originally about South Sudan you absolute git.

Then go there, improve it and stop fucking crying.

you are right, i dont even ethnically have that much in common with them. but i would like to see my continent prosper. i want them to be able to go back to ghana, niger, côte d’ivore, and wherever else their ancestors came from and build their native lands back up.
yes, but please, go read who committed that massacre