Is the Irish-British animosity still a thing ?

What happens now with Brexit, are the Irish folk finally free ?

Attached: Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_and_Ireland.png (800x400, 11.61K)

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the EU helped ease the tensions because the Irish-British border was an inside the EU

I see. And what does the IRA said about it ?

English people don't even know Northern Ireland exists. They don't care.

But yet the Irish seethe away.

The EU has been inflaming tensions over the boarder for the last three years.


we literally don't care


it's like being angry at a camel for spitting

The Irish ALWAYS talk about the Brits, they're almost obsessed. It cannot be helped since the UK is still their most important partner.
They never miss a chance to make a joke about the Brits.

they have really weird marches where they hold up portrait banners for terrorists that starved themselves to death like a hundred years ago

creepy part of the world to be honest, like something from star trek

the real IRA all died in drug wars

>The EU has been inflaming tensions over the boarder for the last three years.
how so?

UK would be better without irish

Bobby Sands wasn't a 100 years ago and he was a brilliant commandante in the Irish struggle

Most British people like Irish people. Northern Ireland is its own little weird freak show.

all of ireland's problems come from the UK
and the UK would be a french colony today if it wasn't for ireland

so that's that

>and the UK would be a french colony today if it wasn't for ireland



Irish and British government act like best buds.
Our whole culture is fuck Britain but we don't take it seriously.
Brexit proved that the British government and people is largely ignorant of Ireland.
Northern Ireland is apart of their Union and was basically a warezone over 20 years ago but they are completely ignorant of what happened there.
Some brits still think Ireland is part of the UK.

probably doesn't help that it's still incorporated in the Union Jack

Imagine hating this. Were english gay?

Attached: 993AC114-695D-4A4B-A01E-E16E132D304C.jpg (750x1334, 241.19K)

Why doesn't Britain simply give Northern Ireland to Ireland? NI doesn't seem so wealthy anyway so it doesn't seem like that big of a deal t b h and it would be more aesthetic as well

I absolutely hate and loath the English, reading history makes me mad and want to go back in time and kill every an*lo who set foot here

Northern Ireland don't want to.

Until Northern Ireland leaves that flag is still valid, it would be interesting to see if they drop the cross if Northern Ireland ever left.
Anyone St Patrick Cross was never associated with Ireland or Irish People, it was the flag of some order that was named after St Patrick.

They happily would, Northern Ireland is a huge money sink and costs the union more money than any other country in the union.
It would have to be decided by a vote in Northern Ireland and the people there don't want to give up shit like the NHS and they are right in that fucking regard.

Supposedly getting the North would cripple the Republic.


I always cringe when my mum says something negative about Irish people

Anyone under the age of 30 doesn’t give a shit

I am born to Irish immigrant parents, yet I was raised in England. Irish people geniuinly can't help but shit on England. My uncle played pro IRA songs at his wedding and he supports Celtic (a lot of my family do). English people honestly don't think about Ireland, but Ireland takes a shot whenever they can, yet Irish people often support Liverpool/Manchester United, live in England, absorb English culture. It's just very confusing to me why a lot of the people who I've grown up with feel the need to shit on the country that they live in. Why not just stay in Ireland if England is so bad?

Majority of the counties do and always did but you Gerry mandered the place

>absorb English culture
Literally what's the difference.
Dublin would feel like a regular British city if it weren't for the bilingual signs.

Dublin is a British city, build by Brits and filled with west Brits.

I dont think they hate each other but they also dont really want to be just 1 country. Too much history has poisoned the well a bit.

We on the other hand don't care about you and your insignificant country.

Is absorbing a lot of political extremists even really desirable for your country?

not really, no one young cares about it apart from spergs on either side. theres bants on the bonfire night thing but compared to the actual street warfare going on 30 years ago its over

I know. That's my point. I'm not insulting Ireland. I am saying that I don't understand how modern Irish people can have so much energy to try to constantly take shots at England, even the Irisk people who live in England. They are one and the same culturally, at this point.