Be me, most likely not you

>be me, most likely not you
>see another Mexican being rude to Central Americans
>Tell him to stop being rude to them, we are not that different
>Be called centraca
>see another Mexican being rude to South Americans
>Tell him to stop being rude to them, we are not that different
>Be called sudaca
>see another Mexican being rude to Chicanos
>Tell him to stop being rude to them, we are not that different
>Be called Chicano

Do things like this happen in your female genital?
What other female genitals they acuse you of being?

Attached: 9d3.png (1182x730, 217.91K)


"Chicanos", central americans and mexicans are all olmec (margid descendants) , only south americans are different

Attached: margid type injun territory.gif (651x332, 6.73K)

It's just banter bro, I just hate americans

>see another Mexican being rude to Mexicans
What happens then?

Attached: p4k5E6G.jpg (1080x1304, 239.25K)

>see another Mexican being rude to Mexicans
>Tell him to stop being rude
>Be called indio, chairo, soyjak or some other kind of Ad Hominem

thank you, I appreciate your solidarity
too much hatred against our brothers

Mexicans only talk shit about everything just ignore them or remember them they're acting like a monkey

You are retarded, olmecs were centralid.

I like Central America. I'm a LatinAmericaBoo actually.

Attached: images (9).jpg (678x452, 60.55K)

mayans are the ones who were centralid

>it’s another Mexican spams kys episode

So were olmecs, prove me otherwise.

Is that the parliament house

Am i olmec?

Attached: 20200427_222154.jpg (97x125, 6.65K)


olmec heads have thick lips and noses with depressed roots just like margids unlike centralids

Attached: centralid.jpg (2880x1920, 2.09M)

That kid doesn't look like pic retard

all mexicans are olmec (mostly margid descendent) except for mayans from yucatan and a few north mexicans

You mean here or rl?

All central americans are rude on Yas Forums

Mexicans are diverse in phenotypes with the most common natives ones being pueblid and margid(mexicid)

he looks almost like an exact copy
>same round head
>same beady eyes
>same narrow forehead
>same wide mouth

also he is not a kid, centralid istmids are just very neotenous

mexicans are diverse but most of the ancestry is margid


not even close, may be the nose

>let me tell you about your coy try
You dont even live there

Tons of mexicans live in the us, not all look the same and they vary by region of where they come from.

He is from guatemala and there is only two amerindian types in guatemala; mexicid margid and isthmid and he is obviosly not a margid. Margids have noses with depressed roots darker skin and rhomboid faces.

Attached: margidm.jpg (282x397, 13.77K)

Margids were the most numerous amerindian type in pre columbian mexico.
Not all mexicans look the same, but they all most share the same margid ancestry

>Margids were the most numerous amerindian type in pre columbian mexico.

You are forgetting that they were reduced in numbers by centralids

>Silvid, Centralid, and later European colonisations dramatically reduced Margid numbers

And for centralids

>Prior to contact with Europeans common in ancient Maya and Aztec civilisations