Yellow fever

I was cured from this 12 years ago, now I have it again because of Kim Yo-Jung.
How do I cure myself again Yas Forums?

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12 years ago?
Holy smokes, how old are you?

12 years ago I was 18.

28, I had yellow fever in my teenage years because of fucking anime. Truely poison to the mind like Judaism.

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wish I had a soyjack for this thread but I deleted them all
all 14 of them I had
here's to a new beggining

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Why would you want to cure yourself of that to begin with?


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racemixing spawns evil

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wh*t*r than you


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for real wtf is this

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A Brazilian

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Testosterone replacement therapy. Cures gayness. Asian women are like teenage boys. You are gay. Cure gay.

Brazilian nosferatu

But what is she demands me to kneel and lick her feet? No testosterone replacement will help me then

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I think t will make you less of a bitch/more confident and then you stop allowing women to order you around and tell you to lick their feet(fucking lol).

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Do yfs or kpoomers find really Asian males or females attractive? Aren't they racist at some point like they can control ugly people like hideous Chihuahua?

shes a right ugly bint mate

how can I cure white fever

>deleting the picture

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yes I did it right afterwards cause I felt embarrassed I was engaging in the very think I abhor. thanks for reuploading it from the archives!

You can't.

t. sufferer from white fever for the past 5 years

We export cute girls to the world

It's cultural soft power

last time i checked, japan wasn't korea

Andn now you became a fucking commie. It's a downward spiral really, not an improvement.

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She is a beautiful woman

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Inhale you western dog.

lot of desperate cunts around

Actually forgot to attach image.

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More importantly, how do I cure Japanese women from white fever? I got tinder ten days ago and have 51 matches in Tokio now.

Attached: whitefever.jpg (613x865, 80.56K)

How many of them are actually in Tokyo though?

I don’t even have a foot fetish, but since her images are everywhere, I can’t stop thinking about licking her feet.

Granted, Latinas and Chinese matches are very overrepresented. So I'd say 75%.

Yes my Queen. All of Europe submits to the might of the DPRK!

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Imagine being this insecure
Beta cope

You are a chad, I submit.
I have 0 matches in Korea and China (I refuse to tinder j*panese tho)

Attached: Screenshot_20200427-025851_Tinder.jpg (1440x2560, 1.48M)

Why would a girl want to match with someone 9000 kilometers away?