What are protestants like in your country
What are protestants like in your country
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Ugly, short, hairy and extremely stupid.
They are brainlets spreading coronavirus
Our horrible work culture is all their fault.
Prots are shit, regardless of country.
I am.
dumb, smell bad, ugly, probably have rashes or warts.
Gypsies and Hungarians or weirdos with seven kids.
Normal Christians unless they're in one of those weird african shouty churches but I don't count them. Catholics are the weird ones here
In general, they're kinda brown nowadays. Only non-whites seem to stick to Christianity which is fun because all those based DEUS VULT larp nerds will have to cope their racial ideology with this too.
Subhumans that should be eliminated just like in every other country
That doesn't make all of us Hungarian.
>Thinking the Queen has the same authority as the Pope
You're the weird one
Noone in a protestant church has any authority remotely like the Pope that's the whole point
Țipă mai tare, ereticule, vorbesc din experiență. Țigănci cu fuste crețe care se duc la "adunare", burtoși dubioși lângă o biserică penticostală, autiști adventiști de refuză să comunice cu restul, sectanți nenorociți de-mi bat la ușă să-mi spună despre "Dumnezeu mama" sau mă opresc pe stradă etc.
Ortodoxia e singura cale dreaptă a creștinismului.
Except you know, the Queen. That's the only reason your kind decide to become protestant.
Anglos are more stupid because there wasn't a theological reason for the schism, it was just because your fat king decided to marry another woman
Nu mă privește. Nu mă identific cu niciuna din tipologiile pe care le-ai descris. În general mă regăsesc în predicile unui pastor reformat din București căruia îi scriu ocazional, neputând să merg duminica la liturghie tocmai din orășelul meu irelevant.
Lutherans are chill and kind guys. We have some evangelicals but I never met any and they're probably same schizos like in other countries
*insert irish history here*
shahar dosnt like em but its because theyre germans
Usually sexual deviants.
Either crazy or stupid.
Noisy peruvians trying to convert everyone in their way
>What are protestants like in your country
Barely christian at all
They are not agnostic cause technically churches in Latvia inflate numbers for monetary benefits
I have never met a Pole who was protestant.
Online, I stumbled upon a Polish girl who had converted to Islam
The worst
You're misunderstanding the whole point of protestantism, it's not just the same thing as Catholicism but with a different name